Summary: | Site investigation is very important in every project where nearly all project need to
execute site investigation. Therefore, it is compulsory the site investigation must be done
properly and correctly so that the hazard that lies on the earth or beneath the earth can be
avoided. The quality of site investigation will lead to the quality in civil engineering
fields and others building construction. Even though site investigation is apply for the
project, the level of the quality of site investigation is low because clearly it can be seen
that there are lot of matters due to inadequate site investigation such as delay and extent,
over burden cost, and foundation failure. The objectives of this research are to survey
the current practice of site investigation that conducted in Penang and explain the
recommended way to practice an adequate site investigation. The research is done by
questionnaires that have been distributed to 50 respondents from Civil and Structure
Consultant Company around Penang. All the data collected are analyzed by using SPSS
software. In the interpretation, there are 5 main points that discussed which are
background of respondents, normal practice, confidence level, awareness, and latest
development. From this research, it can be concluded that most of the respondents
having problem with the normal practice which that they do not practice the site
investigation as recommended. Most of them aware of goof and adequate site
investigation, unfortunately they do not apply it at their current practice.