Тойм: | Most Malaysian nowadays becomes less interested in investing their money in intention to increase their earning and saving. They need to be more concern on their future, family and children and they need to have something to finance their safety from any unexpected and misfortune event. They need to have the step for the protection if the rainy day comes unexpectedly. The difficulty in financing their losses would be high in current market. The research utilized in convenience to increase the purchasing behavior towards Medical and Health Insurance by identifying the level of purchasing behavior and determine the proximate factor that influencing consumer purchasing behavior. The finding of research paper show how the consumer responds on the Medical and Health Insurance. This particular study will further discuss on how to increase the consumer purchasing behavior and to level the consumer purchasing behavior towards Medical and Health Insurance. The researcher also comes with few recommendations that based on the respondent comment and suggestion in questionnaire distributed. By implementing this recommendation, the researcher optimism that it will help the insurance industry to better upgrade its performance for future use.