Summary: | Recent developments in information technologies such as e-Iearning are becoming
widespread and offer significant changes to improve the delivery of learning in
schools and higher institutions. This scenario requires lecturer to adapt changes in
their teaching, from conventional system to e-Iearning. Due to this, a study on
intention to use e-Iearning among academics at UiTM Melaka was undertaken. The
purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of two independent variables
(resistance to change and attitude towards e-Iearning system) on the dependent
variable, intention to use e-Iearning systems. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
is the primary basis for this study. Questionnaires were used to collect data and 110
lecturers were involved as respondents. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) was used
to analyze the effect of independent variables on lectures' intention to use e-Ieaming
systems. Findings revealed that resistance to change and attitude towards e-Iearning
systems are significant predictors of lecturers' intention to use e-Ieaming systems.
The implications of these findings to UiTM administrators and lecturers were