Summary: | In business model canvas, key partners are defined as the relationship between the business with other business, government or any other organizations that help in the business running. These groups will help the business to achieve their goals and run smoothly by providing what the business’ lack of since it is difficult to succeed in running the business by their own without the help of others.
Batik tools’ supplier is one of the most important things in the supply chain of batik industry and its have strong effect on performance of SMEs. The business makes a supplier relationship with batik tools’ suppliers. This relationship needs incorporation of characteristics such as quality, commitment, and trust among both sides. This supplier relationship will not only benefit the business but also the batik tools’ supplier. This happens when the business succeeds, thus they will need a higher supply from the supplier that increase their sales at the same time. By choosing the best supplier for the batik tools production, the business can maintain the quality of the canting heat pen produced