Summary: | Money, being an essentials needs, place a vital role in a human life.
Therefore , good knowledge on financial management is important to individuals,
families and the community at large so that they can achieve their financial
objectives such as living within their financial means and increasing their financial
security .
Current knowledge of domestic cash flow and credit management is scarce .
According to Godwin and Carroll (1986) little research has focused on financial
management attitude and behaviour of families . Moreover, Malaysia is lack of
published local literature on the area of cash management particularly domestic
practice . Most of the literature focused on the spending pattern. According to Godwin
and Koonce (1992), family financial management is the planning, implementing and
evaluating behaviour of families involved in allocating the family's flow of income
toward meeting their financial goals . A study by Hilgert, Hogarth and Beverly (2003)
on household financial management practices found that financial knowledge can be
statistically linked to financial practices related to cash flow management, credit
management, savings and investment. Research done by Jinhee and Garman
(2003) found that workplace financial education, combined with individual financial
counselling advice session, have some positive effects on workers financial attitudes
and behaviours for U.S. employees .