Summary: | This thesis applies four distinct linguistic methods to the philological data mined from translation technique of the Aramaic verbal system in Old Greek Daniel, Theodotion Daniel, and 2 Esdras. After briefly setting the present work within the context of previous studies (ch. 1), an exhaustive catalogue of the Aramaic verbal forms and their Greek translations occur, followed by the Greek forms and the Aramaic forms they translate (ch. 2). Chapter 3 applies linguistic typology and typological studies of tense, aspect, and modality (TAM) to the enigmatic Aramaic prefix conjugation (PC). Chapter 4 uses the concepts of language contact to explore Aramaic dialect differences (both lexical and grammatical) between the Aramaic of the Bible and the spoken Aramaic of the translators. Chapter 5 applies the concepts of idiolect as developed in forensic linguistics to Greek verbal syntax in the pluses of Old Greek Daniel, which in turn informs our understanding of the textual problem that is Old Greek Daniel 4-6. Chapter 6 problematizes minority translation equivalents in terms of Relevance Theory, showing how translators’ use aspectual choice functions as a procedural constraint to guide their readers toward intended inferences. The closing chapter (ch. 7) reviews the conclusions of the work and suggests new avenues for research.