Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with one isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum at root s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The results of a search for gluino and squark pair production with the pairs decaying via the lightest charginos into a final state consisting of two W bosons, the lightest neutralinos (χ~10), and quarks, are presented: the signal is characterised by the presence of a single charged lepton...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abbott, DC, Abed Abud, A, Abeling, K, Abhayasinghe, DK, Abidi, SH, AbouZeid, OS, Abraham, NL, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Acharya, BS, Achkar, B, Adam, L, Adam Bourdarios, C, Adamczyk, L, Adamek, L, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adorni, S, Adye, T, Affolder, AA, Afik, Y, Agapopoulou, C, Agaras, MN, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Aguilar-Saavedra, JA, Ahmad, A, Ahmadov, F, Ahmed, WS, Ai, X, Aielli, G, Akatsuka, S, Akbiyik, M, Akesson, TPA, Akilli, E, Akimov, AV, Al Khoury, K, Alberghi, GL, Albert, J, Alconada Verzini, MJ, Alderweireldt, S, Aleksa, M, Aleksandrov, IN, Alexopoulos, T, Alexa, C, Barr, AJ, Gallas, EJ, Hays, CP
Otros Autores: ATLAS Collaboration
Formato: Journal article
Publicado: Springer Nature 2021