Summary: | The data was collected between 2015 and 2016 at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford), National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (London) and King's College Hospital (London) in 11 patients with Parkinson's disease who had undergone deep brain stimulation surgery. Participants performed a moving dots task. They were either instructed to respond as quickly as possible (Speed condition) or as accurately as possible (Acc condition) and the moving dots had 50 % coherence (High condition) or 8 % coherence (Low condition). Behavioral data was acquired using PsychoPy and is saved as a matlab-file (Behaviour_PD.mat). The file lists trial type (first column; 0: Accuracy Instruction-High Coherence, 1: Accuracy Instruction – Low Coherence, 2: Speed Instruction – High Coherence, 3: Speed Instruction – Low Coherence), accuracy (second column; 0 incorrect, 1 correct), reaction times (third column; in seconds), hand used (fourth column; 0 right, 1 left) and validity (fifth column; 0 invalid, 1 valid) for all patients (11) and trials (240 per participant). There is also behavioral data for 18 healthy age-matched participants with an identical structure as above (Behaviour_healthy.mat). Neurophysiological data (SAT_STN_LFP.mat) comprises simultaneous local field potential recordings from the subthalamic nucleus and was acquired using TMSI. The data was preprocessed in matlab (for details see Herz et al. 2017 "Distinct mechanisms mediate speed-accuracy adjustments in cortico-subthalamic networks"). The neurophysiologica data is saved as mat-file and comprises 2(left and right subthalamic nucleus; 1 if only one side showed task-related activity)*30(power from 1-30 Hz)*1001(-3s until +2s with 200Hz sampling rate) dimensions for response-aligned data and 2*30*801 (-1s until +3s with 200 hz sampling rate) for cue-aligned data for each patient. In addition to the trial-averaged data for each condition (Acc, Speed, High, Low, AccHigh, AccLow, SpeedHigh, SpeedLow and All (grand average)) the single trial data is also included (All_singletrial) for all valid trials. In this single trial data the 2nd dimension are the trials, e.g. 2*227(valid trials)*30*1001 for the response-aligned data of patient 10. The condition labels for each trial can be inferred from the behavioral file (Behaviour_PD.mat). Subthalamic local field potential recordings in Parkinson's disease patients performing a perceptual decision-making task (moving dots paradigm).