Περίληψη: | Calibration of a transverse beam profile monitor is of fundamental importance to guarantee the best possible accuracy and reliability of the instrument over time. In LHC the calibration standard for transverse-profile measurements are the wire scanners. Other profile monitors such as beam synchrotron light telescopes and interferometers are calibrated with respect to them. Additional information about single-bunch sizes can be obtained from beam-gas imaging in the LHCb vertex detector, from the transverse convolved beam sizes extracted from luminosity scans at the collision points, and from the evolution of the luminous-region parameters as reconstructed by ATLAS and CMS inner tracker detectors during such scans. For the first time in LHC, a dedicated cross-calibration of all the above-mentioned systems was carried out with beam in 2016. Additionally, dedicated optics measurements were also performed in order to determine with the highest possible accuracy the amplitude function at the interaction points and at the position of the profile monitors. Results of these measurements are presented in this paper.