Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ

The doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c+ → pϕ with ϕ → K + K − is observed for the first time, with a statistical significance of more than fifteen standard deviations. The data sample used in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb −1 recorded with the LHCb detector in pp coll...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: The LHCb Collaboration, Aaij, R, Beteta, CA, Adeva, B, Adinolfi, M, Aidala, CA, Ajaltouni, Z, Akar, S, Albicocco, P, Albrecht, J, Alessio, F, Alexander, M, Albero, A, Alkhazov, G, Cartelle, PA, Jr, AAA, Amato, S, Amerio, S, Amhis, Y, An, L, Anderlini, L, Andreassi, G, Andreotti, M, Andrews, JE, Archilli, F, D'Argent, P, Romeu, JA, Artamonov, A, Artuso, M, Arzymatov, K, Aslanides, E, Atzeni, M, Audurier, B, Bachmann, S, Back, JJ, Baker, S, Balagura, V, Baldini, W, Baranov, A, Barlow, RJ, Barrand, GC, Barsuk, S, Barter, W, Bartolini, M, Baryshnikov, F, Batozskaya, V, Batsukh, B, Battig, A, Battista, V, Bay, A, Beddow, J, Bedeschi, F, Bediaga, I, Beiter, A, Bel, LJ, Belin, S, Beliy, N, Bellee, V, Belloli, N, Belous, K, Belyaev, I, Ben-Haim, E, Bencivenni, G, Benson, S, Beranek, S, Berezhnoy, A, Bernet, R, Berninghoff, D, Bertholet, E, Bertolin, A, Betancourt, C, Betti, F, Bettler, MO, Van Beuzekom, M, Bezshyiko, I, Bhasin, S, Bhom, J, Bifani, S, Billoir, P, Birnkraut, A, Bizzeti, A, Bjorn, M, Blago, MP, Blake, T, Blanc, F, Blusk, S, Bobulska, D, Bocci, V, Garcia, O, Boettcher, T, Bondar, A, Bondar, N, Borghi, S, Borisyak, M, Borsato, M, Bossu, F, Boubdir, M, Bowcock, TJV, Bozzi, C, Braun, S, Brodski, M, Brodzicka, J, Gonzalo, AB, Brundu, D, Buchanan, E, Buonaura, A, Burr, C, Bursche, A, Buytaert, J, Byczynski, W, Cadeddu, S, Cai, H, Calabrese, R, Calladine, R, Calvi, M, Gomez, M, Camboni, A, Campana, P, Perez, DHC, Capriotti, L, Carbone, A, Carboni, G, Cardinale, R, Cardini, A, Carniti, P, Carson, L, Akiba, K, Casse, G, Cassina, L, Cattaneo, M, Cavallero, G, Cenci, R, Chamont, D, Chapman, MG, Charles, M, Charpentier, P, Chatzikonstantinidis, G, Chefdeville, M, Chekalina, V, Chen, C, Chen, S, Chitic, S-G, Chobanova, V, Chrzaszcz, M, Chubykin, A, Ciambrone, P, Vidal, X, Ciezarek, G, Cindolo, F, Clarke, PEL, Clemencic, M, Cliff, HV, Closier, J, Coco, V, Coelho, JAB, Cogan, J, Cogneras, E, Cojocariu, L, Collins, P, Colombo, T, Comerma-Montells, A, Contu, A, Coombs, G, Coquereau, S, Corti, G, Corvo, M, Sobral, CMC, Couturier, B, Cowan, GA, Craik, DC, Crocombe, A, Torres, M, Currie, R, D'Ambrosio, C, Da Cunha Marinho, F, Da Silva, CL, Dall'Occo, E, Dalseno, J, Danilina, A, Davis, A, Francisco, ODA, De Bruyn, K, De Capua, S, De Cian, M, De Miranda, JM, De Paula, L, De Serio, M, De Simone, P, Dean, CT, Decamp, D, Del Buono, L, Delaney, B, Dembinski, H-P, Demmer, M, Dendek, A, Derkach, D, Deschamps, O, Desse, F, Dettori, F, Di Canto, A, Di Nezza, P, Didenko, S, Dijkstra, H, Dordei, F, Dorigo, M, Suarez, A, Douglas, L, Dovbnya, A, Dreimanis, K, Dufour, L, Dujany, G, Durante, P, Durham, JM, Dutta, D, Dzhelyadin, R, Dziewiecki, M, Dziurda, A, Dzyuba, A, Easo, S, Egede, U, Egorychev, V, Eidelman, S, Eisenhardt, S, Eitschberger, U, Ekelhof, R, Eklund, L, Ely, S, Ene, A, Escher, S, Esen, S, Evans, T, Falabella, A, Farley, N, Farry, S, Fazzini, D, Federici, L, Declara, PF, Prieto, A, Ferrari, F, Lopes, LF, Rodrigues, F, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Filippov, S, Fini, RA, Fiorini, M, Firlej, M, Fitzpatrick, C, Fiutowski, T, Fleuret, F, Fontana, M, Fontanelli, F, Forty, R, Lima, VF, Frank, M, Frei, C, Fu, J, Funk, W, Faerber, C, Feo, M, Gabriel, E, Torreira, A, Galli, D, Gallorini, S, Gambetta, S, Gan, Y, Gandelman, M, Gandini, P, Gao, Y, Martin, LM, Plana, B, Pardinas, JG, Tico, JG, Garrido, L, Gascon, D, Gaspar, C, Gavardi, L, Gazzoni, G, Gerick, D, Gersabeck, E, Gersabeck, M, Gershon, T, Gerstel, D, Ghez, P, Gibson, V, Girard, OG, Gironell, P, Giubega, L, Gizdov, K, Gligorov, VV, Golubkov, D, Golutvin, A, Gomes, A, Gorelov, IV, Gotti, C, Govorkova, E, Grabowski, JP, Diaz, R, Cardoso, LAG, Grauges, E, Graverini, E, Graziani, G, Grecu, A, Greim, R, Griffith, P, Grillo, L, Gruber, L, Cazon, BRG, Gruenberg, O, Gu, C, Gushchin, E, Guth, A, Guz, Y, Gys, T, Goebel, C, Hadavizadeh, T, Hadjivasiliou, C, Haefeli, G, Haen, C, Haines, SC, Hamilton, B, Han, X, Hancock, TH, Hansmann-Menzemer, S, Harnew, N, Harnew, ST, Harrison, T, Hasse, C, Hatch, M, He, J, Hecker, M, Heinicke, K, Heister, A, Hennessy, K, Henry, L, Van Herwijnen, E, Heuel, J, Hess, M, Hicheur, A, Charman, RH, Hill, D, Hilton, M, Hopchev, PH, Hu, J, Hu, W, Huang, W, Huard, ZC, Hulsbergen, W, Humair, T, Hushchyn, M, Hutchcroft, D, Hynds, D, Ibis, P, Idzik, M, Ilten, P, Inglessi, A, Inyakin, A, Ivshin, K, Jacobsson, R, Jalocha, J, Jans, E, Jashal, BK, Jawahery, A, Jiang, F, John, M, Johnson, D, Jones, CR, Joram, C, Jost, B, Jurik, N, Kandybei, S, Karacson, M, Kariuki, JM, Karodia, S, Kazeev, N, Kecke, M, Keizer, F, Kelsey, M, Kenzie, M, Ketel, T, Khairullin, E, Khanji, B, Khurewathanakul, C, Kim, KE, Kirn, T, Klaver, S, Klimaszewski, K, Klimkovich, T, Koliiev, S, Kolpin, M, Kopecna, R, Koppenburg, P, Kostiuk, I, Kotriakhova, S, Kozeiha, M, Kravchuk, L, Kreps, M, Kress, F, Krokovny, P, Krupa, W, Krzemien, W, Kucewicz, W, Kucharczyk, M, Kudryavtsev, V, Kuonen, AK, Kvaratskheliya, T, Lacarrere, D, Lafferty, G, Lai, A, Lancierini, D, Lanfranchi, G, Langenbruch, C, Latham, T, Lazzeroni, C, Le Gac, R, Leflat, A, Lefrancois, J, Lefevre, R, Lemaitre, F, Leroy, O, Lesiak, T, Leverington, B, Li, P-R, Li, Y, Li, Z, Liang, X, Likhomanenko, T, Lindner, R, Lionetto, F, Lisovskyi, V, Liu, G, Liu, X, Loh, D, Loi, A, Longstaff, I, Lopes, JH, Lovell, GH, Lucchesi, D, Martinez, M, Lupato, A, Luppi, E, Lupton, O, Lusiani, A, Lyu, X, Machefert, F, Maciuc, F, Macko, V, Mackowiak, P, Maddrell-Mander, S, Maev, O, Maguire, K, Maisuzenko, D, Majewski, MW, Malde, S, Malecki, B, Malinin, A, Maltsev, T, Manca, G, Mancinelli, G, Marangotto, D, Maratas, J, Marchand, JF, Marconi, U, Benito, CM, Marinangeli, M, Marino, P, Marks, J, Marshall, PJ, Martellotti, G, Martin, M, Martinelli, M, Santos, D, Vidal, F, Massafferri, A, Materok, M, Matev, R, Mathad, A, Mathe, Z, Matteuzzi, C, Mauri, A, Maurice, E, Maurin, B, Mazurov, A, McCann, M, McNab, A, McNulty, R, Mead, JV, Meadows, B, Meaux, C, Meinert, N, Melnychuk, D, Merk, M, Merli, A, Michielin, E, Milanes, DA, Millard, E, Minard, M-N, Minzoni, L, Mitzel, DS, Mogini, A, Moise, RD, Mombaecher, T, Monroy, IA, Monteil, S, Morandin, M, Morello, G, Morello, MJ, Morgunova, O, Moron, J, Morris, AB, Mountain, R, Muheim, F, Mukherjee, M, Mulder, M, Murphy, CH, Murray, D, Moedden, A, Mueller, D, Mueller, J, Mueller, K, Mueller, V, Naik, P, Nakada, T, Nandakumar, R, Nandi, A, Nanut, T, Nasteva, I, Needham, M, Neri, N, Neubert, S, Neufeld, N, Neuner, M, Newcombe, R, Nguyen, TD, Nguyen-Mau, C, Nieswand, S, Niet, R, Nikitin, N, Nogay, A, Nolte, NS, O'Hanlon, DP, Oblakowska-Mucha, A, Obraztsov, V, Ogilvy, S, Oldeman, R, Onderwater, CJG, Ossowska, A, Goicochea, JM, Ovsiannikova, T, Owen, P, Oyanguren, A, Pais, PR, Pajero, T, Palano, A, Palutan, M, Panshin, G, Papanestis, A, Pappagallo, M, Pappalardo, LL, Parker, W, Parkes, C, Passaleva, G, Pastore, A, Patel, M, Patrignani, C, Pearce, A, Pellegrino, A, Penso, G, Altarelli, MP, Perazzini, S, Pereima, D, Perret, P, Pescatore, L, Petridis, K, Petrolini, A, Petrov, A, Petrucci, S, Petruzzo, M, Pietrzyk, B, Pietrzyk, G, Pikies, M, Pili, M, Pinci, D, Pinzino, J, Pisani, F, Piucci, A, Placinta, V, Playfer, S, Plews, J, Casasus, M, Polci, F, Lener, MP, Poluektov, A, Polukhina, N, Polyakov, I, Polycarpo, E, Pomery, GJ, Ponce, S, Popov, A, Popov, D, Poslavskii, S, Price, E, Prisciandaro, J, Prouve, C, Pugatch, V, Navarro, AP, Pullen, H, Punzi, G, Qian, W, Qin, J, Quagliani, R, Quintana, B, Raab, NV, Rachwal, B, Rademacker, JH, Rama, M, Pernas, M, Rangel, MS, Ratnikov, F, Raven, G, Salzgeber, MR, Reboud, M, Redi, F, Reichert, S, Dos Reis, AC, Reiss, F, Alepuz, C, Ren, Z, Renaudin, V, Ricciardi, S, Richards, S, Rinnert, K, Robbe, P, Robert, A, Rodrigues, AB, Rodrigues, E, Lopez, JA, Roehrken, M, Roiser, S, Rollings, A, Romanovskiy, V, Vidal, A, Rotondo, M, Rudolph, MS, Ruf, T, Vidal, J, Silva, JJ, Sagidova, N, Saitta, B, Guimaraes, V, Gras, CS, Mayordomo, C, Sedes, B, Santacesaria, R, Rios, C, Santimaria, M, Santovetti, E, Sarpis, G, Sarti, A, Satriano, C, Satta, A, Saur, M, Savrina, D, Schael, S, Schellenberg, M, Schiller, M, Schindler, H, Schmelling, M, Schmelzer, T, Schmidt, B, Schneider, O, Schopper, A, Schreiner, HF, Schubiger, M, Schulte, S, Schune, MH, Schwemmer, R, Sciascia, B, Sciubba, A, Semennikov, A, Sepulveda, ES, Sergi, A, Serra, N, Serrano, J, Sestini, L, Seuthe, A, Seyfert, P, Shapkin, M, Shcheglov, Y, Shears, T, Shekhtman, L, Shevchenko, V, Shmanin, E, Siddi, BG, Coutinho, RS, De Oliveira, L, Simi, G, Simone, S, Skiba, I, Skidmore, N, Skwarnicki, T, Slater, MW, Smeaton, JG, Smith, E, Smith, IT, Smith, M, Soares, M, Lavra, L, Sokoloff, MD, Soler, FJP, De Paula, B, Spaan, B, Norella, ES, Spradlin, P, Stagni, F, Stahl, M, Stahl, S, Stefko, P, Stefkova, S, Steinkamp, O, Stemmle, S, Stenyakin, O, Stepanova, M, Stevens, H, Stocchi, A, Stone, S, Storaci, B, Stracka, S, Stramaglia, ME, Straticiuc, M, Straumann, U, Strokov, S, Sun, J, Sun, L, Sun, Y, Swientek, K, Szabelski, A, Szumlak, T, Szymanski, M, T'Jampens, S, Tang, Z, Tayduganov, A, Tekampe, T, Tellarini, G, Teubert, F, Thomas, E, Van Tilburg, J, Tilley, MJ, Tisserand, V, Tobin, M, Tolk, S, Tomassetti, L, Tonelli, D, Tou, DY, Aoude, R, Tournefier, E, Traill, M, Tran, MT, Trisovic, A, Tsaregorodtsev, A, Tuci, G, Tully, A, Tuning, N, Ukleja, A, Usachov, A, Ustyuzhanin, A, Uwer, U, Vagner, A, Vagnoni, V, Valassi, A, Valat, S, Valenti, G, Gomez, RV, Regueiro, P, Vecchi, S, Van Veghel, M, Velthuis, JJ, Veltri, M, Veneziano, G, Venkateswaran, A, Vernet, M, Veronesi, M, Vesterinen, M, Barbosa, JVV, Vieira, D, Diaz, M, Viemann, H, Vilasis-Cardona, X, Vitkovskiy, A, Vitti, M, Volkov, V, Vollhardt, A, Bruch, DV, Voneki, B, Vorobyev, A, Vorobyev, V, Voropaev, N, De Vries, JA, Sierra, CV, Waldi, R, Walsh, J, Wang, J, Wang, M, Wang, Y, Wang, Z, Ward, DR, Wark, HM, Watson, NK, Websdale, D, Weiden, A, Weisser, C, Whitehead, M, Wicht, J, Wilkinson, G, Wilkinson, M, Williams, I, Williams, MRJ, Williams, M, Williams, T, Wilson, FF, Winn, M, Wislicki, W, Witek, M, Wormser, G, Wotton, SA, Wyllie, K, Xiao, D, Xie, Y, Xu, A, Xu, M, Xu, Q, Xu, Z, Yang, Z, Yao, Y, Yeomans, LE, Yin, H, Yu, J, Yuan, X, Yushchenko, O, Zarebski, KA, Zavertyaev, M, Zhang, D, Zhang, L, Zhang, WC, Zhang, Y, Zhelezov, A, Zheng, Y, Zhu, X, Zhukov, V, Zonneveld, JB, Zucchelli, S
Format: Journal article
Published: Springer 2019
_version_ 1826259965934829568
author The LHCb Collaboration
Aaij, R
Beteta, CA
Adeva, B
Adinolfi, M
Aidala, CA
Ajaltouni, Z
Akar, S
Albicocco, P
Albrecht, J
Alessio, F
Alexander, M
Albero, A
Alkhazov, G
Cartelle, PA
Amato, S
Amerio, S
Amhis, Y
An, L
Anderlini, L
Andreassi, G
Andreotti, M
Andrews, JE
Archilli, F
D'Argent, P
Romeu, JA
Artamonov, A
Artuso, M
Arzymatov, K
Aslanides, E
Atzeni, M
Audurier, B
Bachmann, S
Back, JJ
Baker, S
Balagura, V
Baldini, W
Baranov, A
Barlow, RJ
Barrand, GC
Barsuk, S
Barter, W
Bartolini, M
Baryshnikov, F
Batozskaya, V
Batsukh, B
Battig, A
Battista, V
Bay, A
Beddow, J
Bedeschi, F
Bediaga, I
Beiter, A
Bel, LJ
Belin, S
Beliy, N
Bellee, V
Belloli, N
Belous, K
Belyaev, I
Ben-Haim, E
Bencivenni, G
Benson, S
Beranek, S
Berezhnoy, A
Bernet, R
Berninghoff, D
Bertholet, E
Bertolin, A
Betancourt, C
Betti, F
Bettler, MO
Van Beuzekom, M
Bezshyiko, I
Bhasin, S
Bhom, J
Bifani, S
Billoir, P
Birnkraut, A
Bizzeti, A
Bjorn, M
Blago, MP
Blake, T
Blanc, F
Blusk, S
Bobulska, D
Bocci, V
Garcia, O
Boettcher, T
Bondar, A
Bondar, N
Borghi, S
Borisyak, M
Borsato, M
Bossu, F
Boubdir, M
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzi, C
Braun, S
Brodski, M
Brodzicka, J
Gonzalo, AB
Brundu, D
Buchanan, E
Buonaura, A
Burr, C
Bursche, A
Buytaert, J
Byczynski, W
Cadeddu, S
Cai, H
Calabrese, R
Calladine, R
Calvi, M
Gomez, M
Camboni, A
Campana, P
Perez, DHC
Capriotti, L
Carbone, A
Carboni, G
Cardinale, R
Cardini, A
Carniti, P
Carson, L
Akiba, K
Casse, G
Cassina, L
Cattaneo, M
Cavallero, G
Cenci, R
Chamont, D
Chapman, MG
Charles, M
Charpentier, P
Chatzikonstantinidis, G
Chefdeville, M
Chekalina, V
Chen, C
Chen, S
Chitic, S-G
Chobanova, V
Chrzaszcz, M
Chubykin, A
Ciambrone, P
Vidal, X
Ciezarek, G
Cindolo, F
Clarke, PEL
Clemencic, M
Cliff, HV
Closier, J
Coco, V
Coelho, JAB
Cogan, J
Cogneras, E
Cojocariu, L
Collins, P
Colombo, T
Comerma-Montells, A
Contu, A
Coombs, G
Coquereau, S
Corti, G
Corvo, M
Sobral, CMC
Couturier, B
Cowan, GA
Craik, DC
Crocombe, A
Torres, M
Currie, R
D'Ambrosio, C
Da Cunha Marinho, F
Da Silva, CL
Dall'Occo, E
Dalseno, J
Danilina, A
Davis, A
Francisco, ODA
De Bruyn, K
De Capua, S
De Cian, M
De Miranda, JM
De Paula, L
De Serio, M
De Simone, P
Dean, CT
Decamp, D
Del Buono, L
Delaney, B
Dembinski, H-P
Demmer, M
Dendek, A
Derkach, D
Deschamps, O
Desse, F
Dettori, F
Di Canto, A
Di Nezza, P
Didenko, S
Dijkstra, H
Dordei, F
Dorigo, M
Suarez, A
Douglas, L
Dovbnya, A
Dreimanis, K
Dufour, L
Dujany, G
Durante, P
Durham, JM
Dutta, D
Dzhelyadin, R
Dziewiecki, M
Dziurda, A
Dzyuba, A
Easo, S
Egede, U
Egorychev, V
Eidelman, S
Eisenhardt, S
Eitschberger, U
Ekelhof, R
Eklund, L
Ely, S
Ene, A
Escher, S
Esen, S
Evans, T
Falabella, A
Farley, N
Farry, S
Fazzini, D
Federici, L
Declara, PF
Prieto, A
Ferrari, F
Lopes, LF
Rodrigues, F
Ferro-Luzzi, M
Filippov, S
Fini, RA
Fiorini, M
Firlej, M
Fitzpatrick, C
Fiutowski, T
Fleuret, F
Fontana, M
Fontanelli, F
Forty, R
Lima, VF
Frank, M
Frei, C
Fu, J
Funk, W
Faerber, C
Feo, M
Gabriel, E
Torreira, A
Galli, D
Gallorini, S
Gambetta, S
Gan, Y
Gandelman, M
Gandini, P
Gao, Y
Martin, LM
Plana, B
Pardinas, JG
Tico, JG
Garrido, L
Gascon, D
Gaspar, C
Gavardi, L
Gazzoni, G
Gerick, D
Gersabeck, E
Gersabeck, M
Gershon, T
Gerstel, D
Ghez, P
Gibson, V
Girard, OG
Gironell, P
Giubega, L
Gizdov, K
Gligorov, VV
Golubkov, D
Golutvin, A
Gomes, A
Gorelov, IV
Gotti, C
Govorkova, E
Grabowski, JP
Diaz, R
Cardoso, LAG
Grauges, E
Graverini, E
Graziani, G
Grecu, A
Greim, R
Griffith, P
Grillo, L
Gruber, L
Cazon, BRG
Gruenberg, O
Gu, C
Gushchin, E
Guth, A
Guz, Y
Gys, T
Goebel, C
Hadavizadeh, T
Hadjivasiliou, C
Haefeli, G
Haen, C
Haines, SC
Hamilton, B
Han, X
Hancock, TH
Hansmann-Menzemer, S
Harnew, N
Harnew, ST
Harrison, T
Hasse, C
Hatch, M
He, J
Hecker, M
Heinicke, K
Heister, A
Hennessy, K
Henry, L
Van Herwijnen, E
Heuel, J
Hess, M
Hicheur, A
Charman, RH
Hill, D
Hilton, M
Hopchev, PH
Hu, J
Hu, W
Huang, W
Huard, ZC
Hulsbergen, W
Humair, T
Hushchyn, M
Hutchcroft, D
Hynds, D
Ibis, P
Idzik, M
Ilten, P
Inglessi, A
Inyakin, A
Ivshin, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, J
Jans, E
Jashal, BK
Jawahery, A
Jiang, F
John, M
Johnson, D
Jones, CR
Joram, C
Jost, B
Jurik, N
Kandybei, S
Karacson, M
Kariuki, JM
Karodia, S
Kazeev, N
Kecke, M
Keizer, F
Kelsey, M
Kenzie, M
Ketel, T
Khairullin, E
Khanji, B
Khurewathanakul, C
Kim, KE
Kirn, T
Klaver, S
Klimaszewski, K
Klimkovich, T
Koliiev, S
Kolpin, M
Kopecna, R
Koppenburg, P
Kostiuk, I
Kotriakhova, S
Kozeiha, M
Kravchuk, L
Kreps, M
Kress, F
Krokovny, P
Krupa, W
Krzemien, W
Kucewicz, W
Kucharczyk, M
Kudryavtsev, V
Kuonen, AK
Kvaratskheliya, T
Lacarrere, D
Lafferty, G
Lai, A
Lancierini, D
Lanfranchi, G
Langenbruch, C
Latham, T
Lazzeroni, C
Le Gac, R
Leflat, A
Lefrancois, J
Lefevre, R
Lemaitre, F
Leroy, O
Lesiak, T
Leverington, B
Li, P-R
Li, Y
Li, Z
Liang, X
Likhomanenko, T
Lindner, R
Lionetto, F
Lisovskyi, V
Liu, G
Liu, X
Loh, D
Loi, A
Longstaff, I
Lopes, JH
Lovell, GH
Lucchesi, D
Martinez, M
Lupato, A
Luppi, E
Lupton, O
Lusiani, A
Lyu, X
Machefert, F
Maciuc, F
Macko, V
Mackowiak, P
Maddrell-Mander, S
Maev, O
Maguire, K
Maisuzenko, D
Majewski, MW
Malde, S
Malecki, B
Malinin, A
Maltsev, T
Manca, G
Mancinelli, G
Marangotto, D
Maratas, J
Marchand, JF
Marconi, U
Benito, CM
Marinangeli, M
Marino, P
Marks, J
Marshall, PJ
Martellotti, G
Martin, M
Martinelli, M
Santos, D
Vidal, F
Massafferri, A
Materok, M
Matev, R
Mathad, A
Mathe, Z
Matteuzzi, C
Mauri, A
Maurice, E
Maurin, B
Mazurov, A
McCann, M
McNab, A
McNulty, R
Mead, JV
Meadows, B
Meaux, C
Meinert, N
Melnychuk, D
Merk, M
Merli, A
Michielin, E
Milanes, DA
Millard, E
Minard, M-N
Minzoni, L
Mitzel, DS
Mogini, A
Moise, RD
Mombaecher, T
Monroy, IA
Monteil, S
Morandin, M
Morello, G
Morello, MJ
Morgunova, O
Moron, J
Morris, AB
Mountain, R
Muheim, F
Mukherjee, M
Mulder, M
Murphy, CH
Murray, D
Moedden, A
Mueller, D
Mueller, J
Mueller, K
Mueller, V
Naik, P
Nakada, T
Nandakumar, R
Nandi, A
Nanut, T
Nasteva, I
Needham, M
Neri, N
Neubert, S
Neufeld, N
Neuner, M
Newcombe, R
Nguyen, TD
Nguyen-Mau, C
Nieswand, S
Niet, R
Nikitin, N
Nogay, A
Nolte, NS
O'Hanlon, DP
Oblakowska-Mucha, A
Obraztsov, V
Ogilvy, S
Oldeman, R
Onderwater, CJG
Ossowska, A
Goicochea, JM
Ovsiannikova, T
Owen, P
Oyanguren, A
Pais, PR
Pajero, T
Palano, A
Palutan, M
Panshin, G
Papanestis, A
Pappagallo, M
Pappalardo, LL
Parker, W
Parkes, C
Passaleva, G
Pastore, A
Patel, M
Patrignani, C
Pearce, A
Pellegrino, A
Penso, G
Altarelli, MP
Perazzini, S
Pereima, D
Perret, P
Pescatore, L
Petridis, K
Petrolini, A
Petrov, A
Petrucci, S
Petruzzo, M
Pietrzyk, B
Pietrzyk, G
Pikies, M
Pili, M
Pinci, D
Pinzino, J
Pisani, F
Piucci, A
Placinta, V
Playfer, S
Plews, J
Casasus, M
Polci, F
Lener, MP
Poluektov, A
Polukhina, N
Polyakov, I
Polycarpo, E
Pomery, GJ
Ponce, S
Popov, A
Popov, D
Poslavskii, S
Price, E
Prisciandaro, J
Prouve, C
Pugatch, V
Navarro, AP
Pullen, H
Punzi, G
Qian, W
Qin, J
Quagliani, R
Quintana, B
Raab, NV
Rachwal, B
Rademacker, JH
Rama, M
Pernas, M
Rangel, MS
Ratnikov, F
Raven, G
Salzgeber, MR
Reboud, M
Redi, F
Reichert, S
Dos Reis, AC
Reiss, F
Alepuz, C
Ren, Z
Renaudin, V
Ricciardi, S
Richards, S
Rinnert, K
Robbe, P
Robert, A
Rodrigues, AB
Rodrigues, E
Lopez, JA
Roehrken, M
Roiser, S
Rollings, A
Romanovskiy, V
Vidal, A
Rotondo, M
Rudolph, MS
Ruf, T
Vidal, J
Silva, JJ
Sagidova, N
Saitta, B
Guimaraes, V
Gras, CS
Mayordomo, C
Sedes, B
Santacesaria, R
Rios, C
Santimaria, M
Santovetti, E
Sarpis, G
Sarti, A
Satriano, C
Satta, A
Saur, M
Savrina, D
Schael, S
Schellenberg, M
Schiller, M
Schindler, H
Schmelling, M
Schmelzer, T
Schmidt, B
Schneider, O
Schopper, A
Schreiner, HF
Schubiger, M
Schulte, S
Schune, MH
Schwemmer, R
Sciascia, B
Sciubba, A
Semennikov, A
Sepulveda, ES
Sergi, A
Serra, N
Serrano, J
Sestini, L
Seuthe, A
Seyfert, P
Shapkin, M
Shcheglov, Y
Shears, T
Shekhtman, L
Shevchenko, V
Shmanin, E
Siddi, BG
Coutinho, RS
De Oliveira, L
Simi, G
Simone, S
Skiba, I
Skidmore, N
Skwarnicki, T
Slater, MW
Smeaton, JG
Smith, E
Smith, IT
Smith, M
Soares, M
Lavra, L
Sokoloff, MD
Soler, FJP
De Paula, B
Spaan, B
Norella, ES
Spradlin, P
Stagni, F
Stahl, M
Stahl, S
Stefko, P
Stefkova, S
Steinkamp, O
Stemmle, S
Stenyakin, O
Stepanova, M
Stevens, H
Stocchi, A
Stone, S
Storaci, B
Stracka, S
Stramaglia, ME
Straticiuc, M
Straumann, U
Strokov, S
Sun, J
Sun, L
Sun, Y
Swientek, K
Szabelski, A
Szumlak, T
Szymanski, M
T'Jampens, S
Tang, Z
Tayduganov, A
Tekampe, T
Tellarini, G
Teubert, F
Thomas, E
Van Tilburg, J
Tilley, MJ
Tisserand, V
Tobin, M
Tolk, S
Tomassetti, L
Tonelli, D
Tou, DY
Aoude, R
Tournefier, E
Traill, M
Tran, MT
Trisovic, A
Tsaregorodtsev, A
Tuci, G
Tully, A
Tuning, N
Ukleja, A
Usachov, A
Ustyuzhanin, A
Uwer, U
Vagner, A
Vagnoni, V
Valassi, A
Valat, S
Valenti, G
Gomez, RV
Regueiro, P
Vecchi, S
Van Veghel, M
Velthuis, JJ
Veltri, M
Veneziano, G
Venkateswaran, A
Vernet, M
Veronesi, M
Vesterinen, M
Barbosa, JVV
Vieira, D
Diaz, M
Viemann, H
Vilasis-Cardona, X
Vitkovskiy, A
Vitti, M
Volkov, V
Vollhardt, A
Bruch, DV
Voneki, B
Vorobyev, A
Vorobyev, V
Voropaev, N
De Vries, JA
Sierra, CV
Waldi, R
Walsh, J
Wang, J
Wang, M
Wang, Y
Wang, Z
Ward, DR
Wark, HM
Watson, NK
Websdale, D
Weiden, A
Weisser, C
Whitehead, M
Wicht, J
Wilkinson, G
Wilkinson, M
Williams, I
Williams, MRJ
Williams, M
Williams, T
Wilson, FF
Winn, M
Wislicki, W
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Wotton, SA
Wyllie, K
Xiao, D
Xie, Y
Xu, A
Xu, M
Xu, Q
Xu, Z
Xu, Z
Yang, Z
Yang, Z
Yao, Y
Yeomans, LE
Yin, H
Yu, J
Yuan, X
Yushchenko, O
Zarebski, KA
Zavertyaev, M
Zhang, D
Zhang, L
Zhang, WC
Zhang, Y
Zhelezov, A
Zheng, Y
Zhu, X
Zhukov, V
Zonneveld, JB
Zucchelli, S
author_facet The LHCb Collaboration
Aaij, R
Beteta, CA
Adeva, B
Adinolfi, M
Aidala, CA
Ajaltouni, Z
Akar, S
Albicocco, P
Albrecht, J
Alessio, F
Alexander, M
Albero, A
Alkhazov, G
Cartelle, PA
Amato, S
Amerio, S
Amhis, Y
An, L
Anderlini, L
Andreassi, G
Andreotti, M
Andrews, JE
Archilli, F
D'Argent, P
Romeu, JA
Artamonov, A
Artuso, M
Arzymatov, K
Aslanides, E
Atzeni, M
Audurier, B
Bachmann, S
Back, JJ
Baker, S
Balagura, V
Baldini, W
Baranov, A
Barlow, RJ
Barrand, GC
Barsuk, S
Barter, W
Bartolini, M
Baryshnikov, F
Batozskaya, V
Batsukh, B
Battig, A
Battista, V
Bay, A
Beddow, J
Bedeschi, F
Bediaga, I
Beiter, A
Bel, LJ
Belin, S
Beliy, N
Bellee, V
Belloli, N
Belous, K
Belyaev, I
Ben-Haim, E
Bencivenni, G
Benson, S
Beranek, S
Berezhnoy, A
Bernet, R
Berninghoff, D
Bertholet, E
Bertolin, A
Betancourt, C
Betti, F
Bettler, MO
Van Beuzekom, M
Bezshyiko, I
Bhasin, S
Bhom, J
Bifani, S
Billoir, P
Birnkraut, A
Bizzeti, A
Bjorn, M
Blago, MP
Blake, T
Blanc, F
Blusk, S
Bobulska, D
Bocci, V
Garcia, O
Boettcher, T
Bondar, A
Bondar, N
Borghi, S
Borisyak, M
Borsato, M
Bossu, F
Boubdir, M
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzi, C
Braun, S
Brodski, M
Brodzicka, J
Gonzalo, AB
Brundu, D
Buchanan, E
Buonaura, A
Burr, C
Bursche, A
Buytaert, J
Byczynski, W
Cadeddu, S
Cai, H
Calabrese, R
Calladine, R
Calvi, M
Gomez, M
Camboni, A
Campana, P
Perez, DHC
Capriotti, L
Carbone, A
Carboni, G
Cardinale, R
Cardini, A
Carniti, P
Carson, L
Akiba, K
Casse, G
Cassina, L
Cattaneo, M
Cavallero, G
Cenci, R
Chamont, D
Chapman, MG
Charles, M
Charpentier, P
Chatzikonstantinidis, G
Chefdeville, M
Chekalina, V
Chen, C
Chen, S
Chitic, S-G
Chobanova, V
Chrzaszcz, M
Chubykin, A
Ciambrone, P
Vidal, X
Ciezarek, G
Cindolo, F
Clarke, PEL
Clemencic, M
Cliff, HV
Closier, J
Coco, V
Coelho, JAB
Cogan, J
Cogneras, E
Cojocariu, L
Collins, P
Colombo, T
Comerma-Montells, A
Contu, A
Coombs, G
Coquereau, S
Corti, G
Corvo, M
Sobral, CMC
Couturier, B
Cowan, GA
Craik, DC
Crocombe, A
Torres, M
Currie, R
D'Ambrosio, C
Da Cunha Marinho, F
Da Silva, CL
Dall'Occo, E
Dalseno, J
Danilina, A
Davis, A
Francisco, ODA
De Bruyn, K
De Capua, S
De Cian, M
De Miranda, JM
De Paula, L
De Serio, M
De Simone, P
Dean, CT
Decamp, D
Del Buono, L
Delaney, B
Dembinski, H-P
Demmer, M
Dendek, A
Derkach, D
Deschamps, O
Desse, F
Dettori, F
Di Canto, A
Di Nezza, P
Didenko, S
Dijkstra, H
Dordei, F
Dorigo, M
Suarez, A
Douglas, L
Dovbnya, A
Dreimanis, K
Dufour, L
Dujany, G
Durante, P
Durham, JM
Dutta, D
Dzhelyadin, R
Dziewiecki, M
Dziurda, A
Dzyuba, A
Easo, S
Egede, U
Egorychev, V
Eidelman, S
Eisenhardt, S
Eitschberger, U
Ekelhof, R
Eklund, L
Ely, S
Ene, A
Escher, S
Esen, S
Evans, T
Falabella, A
Farley, N
Farry, S
Fazzini, D
Federici, L
Declara, PF
Prieto, A
Ferrari, F
Lopes, LF
Rodrigues, F
Ferro-Luzzi, M
Filippov, S
Fini, RA
Fiorini, M
Firlej, M
Fitzpatrick, C
Fiutowski, T
Fleuret, F
Fontana, M
Fontanelli, F
Forty, R
Lima, VF
Frank, M
Frei, C
Fu, J
Funk, W
Faerber, C
Feo, M
Gabriel, E
Torreira, A
Galli, D
Gallorini, S
Gambetta, S
Gan, Y
Gandelman, M
Gandini, P
Gao, Y
Martin, LM
Plana, B
Pardinas, JG
Tico, JG
Garrido, L
Gascon, D
Gaspar, C
Gavardi, L
Gazzoni, G
Gerick, D
Gersabeck, E
Gersabeck, M
Gershon, T
Gerstel, D
Ghez, P
Gibson, V
Girard, OG
Gironell, P
Giubega, L
Gizdov, K
Gligorov, VV
Golubkov, D
Golutvin, A
Gomes, A
Gorelov, IV
Gotti, C
Govorkova, E
Grabowski, JP
Diaz, R
Cardoso, LAG
Grauges, E
Graverini, E
Graziani, G
Grecu, A
Greim, R
Griffith, P
Grillo, L
Gruber, L
Cazon, BRG
Gruenberg, O
Gu, C
Gushchin, E
Guth, A
Guz, Y
Gys, T
Goebel, C
Hadavizadeh, T
Hadjivasiliou, C
Haefeli, G
Haen, C
Haines, SC
Hamilton, B
Han, X
Hancock, TH
Hansmann-Menzemer, S
Harnew, N
Harnew, ST
Harrison, T
Hasse, C
Hatch, M
He, J
Hecker, M
Heinicke, K
Heister, A
Hennessy, K
Henry, L
Van Herwijnen, E
Heuel, J
Hess, M
Hicheur, A
Charman, RH
Hill, D
Hilton, M
Hopchev, PH
Hu, J
Hu, W
Huang, W
Huard, ZC
Hulsbergen, W
Humair, T
Hushchyn, M
Hutchcroft, D
Hynds, D
Ibis, P
Idzik, M
Ilten, P
Inglessi, A
Inyakin, A
Ivshin, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, J
Jans, E
Jashal, BK
Jawahery, A
Jiang, F
John, M
Johnson, D
Jones, CR
Joram, C
Jost, B
Jurik, N
Kandybei, S
Karacson, M
Kariuki, JM
Karodia, S
Kazeev, N
Kecke, M
Keizer, F
Kelsey, M
Kenzie, M
Ketel, T
Khairullin, E
Khanji, B
Khurewathanakul, C
Kim, KE
Kirn, T
Klaver, S
Klimaszewski, K
Klimkovich, T
Koliiev, S
Kolpin, M
Kopecna, R
Koppenburg, P
Kostiuk, I
Kotriakhova, S
Kozeiha, M
Kravchuk, L
Kreps, M
Kress, F
Krokovny, P
Krupa, W
Krzemien, W
Kucewicz, W
Kucharczyk, M
Kudryavtsev, V
Kuonen, AK
Kvaratskheliya, T
Lacarrere, D
Lafferty, G
Lai, A
Lancierini, D
Lanfranchi, G
Langenbruch, C
Latham, T
Lazzeroni, C
Le Gac, R
Leflat, A
Lefrancois, J
Lefevre, R
Lemaitre, F
Leroy, O
Lesiak, T
Leverington, B
Li, P-R
Li, Y
Li, Z
Liang, X
Likhomanenko, T
Lindner, R
Lionetto, F
Lisovskyi, V
Liu, G
Liu, X
Loh, D
Loi, A
Longstaff, I
Lopes, JH
Lovell, GH
Lucchesi, D
Martinez, M
Lupato, A
Luppi, E
Lupton, O
Lusiani, A
Lyu, X
Machefert, F
Maciuc, F
Macko, V
Mackowiak, P
Maddrell-Mander, S
Maev, O
Maguire, K
Maisuzenko, D
Majewski, MW
Malde, S
Malecki, B
Malinin, A
Maltsev, T
Manca, G
Mancinelli, G
Marangotto, D
Maratas, J
Marchand, JF
Marconi, U
Benito, CM
Marinangeli, M
Marino, P
Marks, J
Marshall, PJ
Martellotti, G
Martin, M
Martinelli, M
Santos, D
Vidal, F
Massafferri, A
Materok, M
Matev, R
Mathad, A
Mathe, Z
Matteuzzi, C
Mauri, A
Maurice, E
Maurin, B
Mazurov, A
McCann, M
McNab, A
McNulty, R
Mead, JV
Meadows, B
Meaux, C
Meinert, N
Melnychuk, D
Merk, M
Merli, A
Michielin, E
Milanes, DA
Millard, E
Minard, M-N
Minzoni, L
Mitzel, DS
Mogini, A
Moise, RD
Mombaecher, T
Monroy, IA
Monteil, S
Morandin, M
Morello, G
Morello, MJ
Morgunova, O
Moron, J
Morris, AB
Mountain, R
Muheim, F
Mukherjee, M
Mulder, M
Murphy, CH
Murray, D
Moedden, A
Mueller, D
Mueller, J
Mueller, K
Mueller, V
Naik, P
Nakada, T
Nandakumar, R
Nandi, A
Nanut, T
Nasteva, I
Needham, M
Neri, N
Neubert, S
Neufeld, N
Neuner, M
Newcombe, R
Nguyen, TD
Nguyen-Mau, C
Nieswand, S
Niet, R
Nikitin, N
Nogay, A
Nolte, NS
O'Hanlon, DP
Oblakowska-Mucha, A
Obraztsov, V
Ogilvy, S
Oldeman, R
Onderwater, CJG
Ossowska, A
Goicochea, JM
Ovsiannikova, T
Owen, P
Oyanguren, A
Pais, PR
Pajero, T
Palano, A
Palutan, M
Panshin, G
Papanestis, A
Pappagallo, M
Pappalardo, LL
Parker, W
Parkes, C
Passaleva, G
Pastore, A
Patel, M
Patrignani, C
Pearce, A
Pellegrino, A
Penso, G
Altarelli, MP
Perazzini, S
Pereima, D
Perret, P
Pescatore, L
Petridis, K
Petrolini, A
Petrov, A
Petrucci, S
Petruzzo, M
Pietrzyk, B
Pietrzyk, G
Pikies, M
Pili, M
Pinci, D
Pinzino, J
Pisani, F
Piucci, A
Placinta, V
Playfer, S
Plews, J
Casasus, M
Polci, F
Lener, MP
Poluektov, A
Polukhina, N
Polyakov, I
Polycarpo, E
Pomery, GJ
Ponce, S
Popov, A
Popov, D
Poslavskii, S
Price, E
Prisciandaro, J
Prouve, C
Pugatch, V
Navarro, AP
Pullen, H
Punzi, G
Qian, W
Qin, J
Quagliani, R
Quintana, B
Raab, NV
Rachwal, B
Rademacker, JH
Rama, M
Pernas, M
Rangel, MS
Ratnikov, F
Raven, G
Salzgeber, MR
Reboud, M
Redi, F
Reichert, S
Dos Reis, AC
Reiss, F
Alepuz, C
Ren, Z
Renaudin, V
Ricciardi, S
Richards, S
Rinnert, K
Robbe, P
Robert, A
Rodrigues, AB
Rodrigues, E
Lopez, JA
Roehrken, M
Roiser, S
Rollings, A
Romanovskiy, V
Vidal, A
Rotondo, M
Rudolph, MS
Ruf, T
Vidal, J
Silva, JJ
Sagidova, N
Saitta, B
Guimaraes, V
Gras, CS
Mayordomo, C
Sedes, B
Santacesaria, R
Rios, C
Santimaria, M
Santovetti, E
Sarpis, G
Sarti, A
Satriano, C
Satta, A
Saur, M
Savrina, D
Schael, S
Schellenberg, M
Schiller, M
Schindler, H
Schmelling, M
Schmelzer, T
Schmidt, B
Schneider, O
Schopper, A
Schreiner, HF
Schubiger, M
Schulte, S
Schune, MH
Schwemmer, R
Sciascia, B
Sciubba, A
Semennikov, A
Sepulveda, ES
Sergi, A
Serra, N
Serrano, J
Sestini, L
Seuthe, A
Seyfert, P
Shapkin, M
Shcheglov, Y
Shears, T
Shekhtman, L
Shevchenko, V
Shmanin, E
Siddi, BG
Coutinho, RS
De Oliveira, L
Simi, G
Simone, S
Skiba, I
Skidmore, N
Skwarnicki, T
Slater, MW
Smeaton, JG
Smith, E
Smith, IT
Smith, M
Soares, M
Lavra, L
Sokoloff, MD
Soler, FJP
De Paula, B
Spaan, B
Norella, ES
Spradlin, P
Stagni, F
Stahl, M
Stahl, S
Stefko, P
Stefkova, S
Steinkamp, O
Stemmle, S
Stenyakin, O
Stepanova, M
Stevens, H
Stocchi, A
Stone, S
Storaci, B
Stracka, S
Stramaglia, ME
Straticiuc, M
Straumann, U
Strokov, S
Sun, J
Sun, L
Sun, Y
Swientek, K
Szabelski, A
Szumlak, T
Szymanski, M
T'Jampens, S
Tang, Z
Tayduganov, A
Tekampe, T
Tellarini, G
Teubert, F
Thomas, E
Van Tilburg, J
Tilley, MJ
Tisserand, V
Tobin, M
Tolk, S
Tomassetti, L
Tonelli, D
Tou, DY
Aoude, R
Tournefier, E
Traill, M
Tran, MT
Trisovic, A
Tsaregorodtsev, A
Tuci, G
Tully, A
Tuning, N
Ukleja, A
Usachov, A
Ustyuzhanin, A
Uwer, U
Vagner, A
Vagnoni, V
Valassi, A
Valat, S
Valenti, G
Gomez, RV
Regueiro, P
Vecchi, S
Van Veghel, M
Velthuis, JJ
Veltri, M
Veneziano, G
Venkateswaran, A
Vernet, M
Veronesi, M
Vesterinen, M
Barbosa, JVV
Vieira, D
Diaz, M
Viemann, H
Vilasis-Cardona, X
Vitkovskiy, A
Vitti, M
Volkov, V
Vollhardt, A
Bruch, DV
Voneki, B
Vorobyev, A
Vorobyev, V
Voropaev, N
De Vries, JA
Sierra, CV
Waldi, R
Walsh, J
Wang, J
Wang, M
Wang, Y
Wang, Z
Ward, DR
Wark, HM
Watson, NK
Websdale, D
Weiden, A
Weisser, C
Whitehead, M
Wicht, J
Wilkinson, G
Wilkinson, M
Williams, I
Williams, MRJ
Williams, M
Williams, T
Wilson, FF
Winn, M
Wislicki, W
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Wotton, SA
Wyllie, K
Xiao, D
Xie, Y
Xu, A
Xu, M
Xu, Q
Xu, Z
Xu, Z
Yang, Z
Yang, Z
Yao, Y
Yeomans, LE
Yin, H
Yu, J
Yuan, X
Yushchenko, O
Zarebski, KA
Zavertyaev, M
Zhang, D
Zhang, L
Zhang, WC
Zhang, Y
Zhelezov, A
Zheng, Y
Zhu, X
Zhukov, V
Zonneveld, JB
Zucchelli, S
author_sort The LHCb Collaboration
collection OXFORD
description The doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c+ → pϕ with ϕ → K + K − is observed for the first time, with a statistical significance of more than fifteen standard deviations. The data sample used in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb −1 recorded with the LHCb detector in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The ratio of branching fractions between the decay Ξ c+ → pϕ and the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c+ → pK − π + is measured to beℬ(Ξc+→pϕ)ℬ(Ξc+→pK−π+)=(19.8±0.7±0.9±0.2)×10−3, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third due to the knowledge of the ϕ → K + K − branching fraction.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]
first_indexed 2024-03-06T18:58:54Z
format Journal article
id oxford-uuid:12947b46-7129-4bf1-bd8d-5b0c8524aa41
institution University of Oxford
last_indexed 2024-03-06T18:58:54Z
publishDate 2019
publisher Springer
record_format dspace
spelling oxford-uuid:12947b46-7129-4bf1-bd8d-5b0c8524aa412022-03-26T10:10:40ZObservation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕJournal articlehttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_dcae04bcuuid:12947b46-7129-4bf1-bd8d-5b0c8524aa41Symplectic Elements at OxfordSpringer2019The LHCb CollaborationAaij, RBeteta, CAAdeva, BAdinolfi, MAidala, CAAjaltouni, ZAkar, SAlbicocco, PAlbrecht, JAlessio, FAlexander, MAlbero, AAlkhazov, GCartelle, PAJr, AAAAmato, SAmerio, SAmhis, YAn, LAnderlini, LAndreassi, GAndreotti, MAndrews, JEArchilli, FD'Argent, PRomeu, JAArtamonov, AArtuso, MArzymatov, KAslanides, EAtzeni, MAudurier, BBachmann, SBack, JJBaker, SBalagura, VBaldini, WBaranov, ABarlow, RJBarrand, GCBarsuk, SBarter, WBartolini, MBaryshnikov, FBatozskaya, VBatsukh, BBattig, ABattista, VBay, ABeddow, JBedeschi, FBediaga, IBeiter, ABel, LJBelin, SBeliy, NBellee, VBelloli, NBelous, KBelyaev, IBen-Haim, EBencivenni, GBenson, SBeranek, SBerezhnoy, ABernet, RBerninghoff, DBertholet, EBertolin, ABetancourt, CBetti, FBettler, MOVan Beuzekom, MBezshyiko, IBhasin, SBhom, JBifani, SBilloir, PBirnkraut, ABizzeti, ABjorn, MBlago, MPBlake, TBlanc, FBlusk, SBobulska, DBocci, VGarcia, OBoettcher, TBondar, ABondar, NBorghi, SBorisyak, MBorsato, MBossu, FBoubdir, MBowcock, TJVBozzi, CBraun, SBrodski, MBrodzicka, JGonzalo, ABBrundu, DBuchanan, EBuonaura, ABurr, CBursche, ABuytaert, JByczynski, WCadeddu, SCai, HCalabrese, RCalladine, RCalvi, MGomez, MCamboni, ACampana, PPerez, DHCCapriotti, LCarbone, ACarboni, GCardinale, RCardini, ACarniti, PCarson, LAkiba, KCasse, GCassina, LCattaneo, MCavallero, GCenci, RChamont, DChapman, MGCharles, MCharpentier, PChatzikonstantinidis, GChefdeville, MChekalina, VChen, CChen, SChitic, S-GChobanova, VChrzaszcz, MChubykin, ACiambrone, PVidal, XCiezarek, GCindolo, FClarke, PELClemencic, MCliff, HVClosier, JCoco, VCoelho, JABCogan, JCogneras, ECojocariu, LCollins, PColombo, TComerma-Montells, AContu, ACoombs, GCoquereau, SCorti, GCorvo, MSobral, CMCCouturier, BCowan, GACraik, DCCrocombe, ATorres, MCurrie, RD'Ambrosio, CDa Cunha Marinho, FDa Silva, CLDall'Occo, EDalseno, JDanilina, ADavis, AFrancisco, ODADe Bruyn, KDe Capua, SDe Cian, MDe Miranda, JMDe Paula, LDe Serio, MDe Simone, PDean, CTDecamp, DDel Buono, LDelaney, BDembinski, H-PDemmer, MDendek, ADerkach, DDeschamps, ODesse, FDettori, FDi Canto, ADi Nezza, PDidenko, SDijkstra, HDordei, FDorigo, MSuarez, ADouglas, LDovbnya, ADreimanis, KDufour, LDujany, GDurante, PDurham, JMDutta, DDzhelyadin, RDziewiecki, MDziurda, ADzyuba, AEaso, SEgede, UEgorychev, VEidelman, SEisenhardt, SEitschberger, UEkelhof, REklund, LEly, SEne, AEscher, SEsen, SEvans, TFalabella, AFarley, NFarry, SFazzini, DFederici, LDeclara, PFPrieto, AFerrari, FLopes, LFRodrigues, FFerro-Luzzi, MFilippov, SFini, RAFiorini, MFirlej, MFitzpatrick, CFiutowski, TFleuret, FFontana, MFontanelli, FForty, RLima, VFFrank, MFrei, CFu, JFunk, WFaerber, CFeo, MGabriel, ETorreira, AGalli, DGallorini, SGambetta, SGan, YGandelman, MGandini, PGao, YMartin, LMPlana, BPardinas, JGTico, JGGarrido, LGascon, DGaspar, CGavardi, LGazzoni, GGerick, DGersabeck, EGersabeck, MGershon, TGerstel, DGhez, PGibson, VGirard, OGGironell, PGiubega, LGizdov, KGligorov, VVGolubkov, DGolutvin, AGomes, AGorelov, IVGotti, CGovorkova, EGrabowski, JPDiaz, RCardoso, LAGGrauges, EGraverini, EGraziani, GGrecu, AGreim, RGriffith, PGrillo, LGruber, LCazon, BRGGruenberg, OGu, CGushchin, EGuth, AGuz, YGys, TGoebel, CHadavizadeh, THadjivasiliou, CHaefeli, GHaen, CHaines, SCHamilton, BHan, XHancock, THHansmann-Menzemer, SHarnew, NHarnew, STHarrison, THasse, CHatch, MHe, JHecker, MHeinicke, KHeister, AHennessy, KHenry, LVan Herwijnen, EHeuel, JHess, MHicheur, ACharman, RHHill, DHilton, MHopchev, PHHu, JHu, WHuang, WHuard, ZCHulsbergen, WHumair, THushchyn, MHutchcroft, DHynds, DIbis, PIdzik, MIlten, PInglessi, AInyakin, AIvshin, KJacobsson, RJalocha, JJans, EJashal, BKJawahery, AJiang, FJohn, MJohnson, DJones, CRJoram, CJost, BJurik, NKandybei, SKaracson, MKariuki, JMKarodia, SKazeev, NKecke, MKeizer, FKelsey, MKenzie, MKetel, TKhairullin, EKhanji, BKhurewathanakul, CKim, KEKirn, TKlaver, SKlimaszewski, KKlimkovich, TKoliiev, SKolpin, MKopecna, RKoppenburg, PKostiuk, IKotriakhova, SKozeiha, MKravchuk, LKreps, MKress, FKrokovny, PKrupa, WKrzemien, WKucewicz, WKucharczyk, MKudryavtsev, VKuonen, AKKvaratskheliya, TLacarrere, DLafferty, GLai, ALancierini, DLanfranchi, GLangenbruch, CLatham, TLazzeroni, CLe Gac, RLeflat, ALefrancois, JLefevre, RLemaitre, FLeroy, OLesiak, TLeverington, BLi, P-RLi, YLi, ZLiang, XLikhomanenko, TLindner, RLionetto, FLisovskyi, VLiu, GLiu, XLoh, DLoi, ALongstaff, ILopes, JHLovell, GHLucchesi, DMartinez, MLupato, ALuppi, ELupton, OLusiani, ALyu, XMachefert, FMaciuc, FMacko, VMackowiak, PMaddrell-Mander, SMaev, OMaguire, KMaisuzenko, DMajewski, MWMalde, SMalecki, BMalinin, AMaltsev, TManca, GMancinelli, GMarangotto, DMaratas, JMarchand, JFMarconi, UBenito, CMMarinangeli, MMarino, PMarks, JMarshall, PJMartellotti, GMartin, MMartinelli, MSantos, DVidal, FMassafferri, AMaterok, MMatev, RMathad, AMathe, ZMatteuzzi, CMauri, AMaurice, EMaurin, BMazurov, AMcCann, MMcNab, AMcNulty, RMead, JVMeadows, BMeaux, CMeinert, NMelnychuk, DMerk, MMerli, AMichielin, EMilanes, DAMillard, EMinard, M-NMinzoni, LMitzel, DSMogini, AMoise, RDMombaecher, TMonroy, IAMonteil, SMorandin, MMorello, GMorello, MJMorgunova, OMoron, JMorris, ABMountain, RMuheim, FMukherjee, MMulder, MMurphy, CHMurray, DMoedden, AMueller, DMueller, JMueller, KMueller, VNaik, PNakada, TNandakumar, RNandi, ANanut, TNasteva, INeedham, MNeri, NNeubert, SNeufeld, NNeuner, MNewcombe, RNguyen, TDNguyen-Mau, CNieswand, SNiet, RNikitin, NNogay, ANolte, NSO'Hanlon, DPOblakowska-Mucha, AObraztsov, VOgilvy, SOldeman, ROnderwater, CJGOssowska, AGoicochea, JMOvsiannikova, TOwen, POyanguren, APais, PRPajero, TPalano, APalutan, MPanshin, GPapanestis, APappagallo, MPappalardo, LLParker, WParkes, CPassaleva, GPastore, APatel, MPatrignani, CPearce, APellegrino, APenso, GAltarelli, MPPerazzini, SPereima, DPerret, PPescatore, LPetridis, KPetrolini, APetrov, APetrucci, SPetruzzo, MPietrzyk, BPietrzyk, GPikies, MPili, MPinci, DPinzino, JPisani, FPiucci, APlacinta, VPlayfer, SPlews, JCasasus, MPolci, FLener, MPPoluektov, APolukhina, NPolyakov, IPolycarpo, EPomery, GJPonce, SPopov, APopov, DPoslavskii, SPrice, EPrisciandaro, JProuve, CPugatch, VNavarro, APPullen, HPunzi, GQian, WQin, JQuagliani, RQuintana, BRaab, NVRachwal, BRademacker, JHRama, MPernas, MRangel, MSRatnikov, FRaven, GSalzgeber, MRReboud, MRedi, FReichert, SDos Reis, ACReiss, FAlepuz, CRen, ZRenaudin, VRicciardi, SRichards, SRinnert, KRobbe, PRobert, ARodrigues, ABRodrigues, ELopez, JARoehrken, MRoiser, SRollings, ARomanovskiy, VVidal, ARotondo, MRudolph, MSRuf, TVidal, JSilva, JJSagidova, NSaitta, BGuimaraes, VGras, CSMayordomo, CSedes, BSantacesaria, RRios, CSantimaria, MSantovetti, ESarpis, GSarti, ASatriano, CSatta, ASaur, MSavrina, DSchael, SSchellenberg, MSchiller, MSchindler, HSchmelling, MSchmelzer, TSchmidt, BSchneider, OSchopper, ASchreiner, HFSchubiger, MSchulte, SSchune, MHSchwemmer, RSciascia, BSciubba, ASemennikov, ASepulveda, ESSergi, ASerra, NSerrano, JSestini, LSeuthe, ASeyfert, PShapkin, MShcheglov, YShears, TShekhtman, LShevchenko, VShmanin, ESiddi, BGCoutinho, RSDe Oliveira, LSimi, GSimone, SSkiba, ISkidmore, NSkwarnicki, TSlater, MWSmeaton, JGSmith, ESmith, ITSmith, MSoares, MLavra, LSokoloff, MDSoler, FJPDe Paula, BSpaan, BNorella, ESSpradlin, PStagni, FStahl, MStahl, SStefko, PStefkova, SSteinkamp, OStemmle, SStenyakin, OStepanova, MStevens, HStocchi, AStone, SStoraci, BStracka, SStramaglia, MEStraticiuc, MStraumann, UStrokov, SSun, JSun, LSun, YSwientek, KSzabelski, ASzumlak, TSzymanski, MT'Jampens, STang, ZTayduganov, ATekampe, TTellarini, GTeubert, FThomas, EVan Tilburg, JTilley, MJTisserand, VTobin, MTolk, STomassetti, LTonelli, DTou, DYAoude, RTournefier, ETraill, MTran, MTTrisovic, ATsaregorodtsev, ATuci, GTully, ATuning, NUkleja, AUsachov, AUstyuzhanin, AUwer, UVagner, AVagnoni, VValassi, AValat, SValenti, GGomez, RVRegueiro, PVecchi, SVan Veghel, MVelthuis, JJVeltri, MVeneziano, GVenkateswaran, AVernet, MVeronesi, MVesterinen, MBarbosa, JVVVieira, DDiaz, MViemann, HVilasis-Cardona, XVitkovskiy, AVitti, MVolkov, VVollhardt, ABruch, DVVoneki, BVorobyev, AVorobyev, VVoropaev, NDe Vries, JASierra, CVWaldi, RWalsh, JWang, JWang, MWang, YWang, ZWard, DRWark, HMWatson, NKWebsdale, DWeiden, AWeisser, CWhitehead, MWicht, JWilkinson, GWilkinson, MWilliams, IWilliams, MRJWilliams, MWilliams, TWilson, FFWinn, MWislicki, WWitek, MWormser, GWotton, SAWyllie, KXiao, DXie, YXu, AXu, MXu, QXu, ZXu, ZYang, ZYang, ZYao, YYeomans, LEYin, HYu, JYuan, XYushchenko, OZarebski, KAZavertyaev, MZhang, DZhang, LZhang, WCZhang, YZhelezov, AZheng, YZhu, XZhukov, VZonneveld, JBZucchelli, SThe doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c+ → pϕ with ϕ → K + K − is observed for the first time, with a statistical significance of more than fifteen standard deviations. The data sample used in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb −1 recorded with the LHCb detector in pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The ratio of branching fractions between the decay Ξ c+ → pϕ and the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c+ → pK − π + is measured to beℬ(Ξc+→pϕ)ℬ(Ξc+→pK−π+)=(19.8±0.7±0.9±0.2)×10−3, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third due to the knowledge of the ϕ → K + K − branching fraction.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]
spellingShingle The LHCb Collaboration
Aaij, R
Beteta, CA
Adeva, B
Adinolfi, M
Aidala, CA
Ajaltouni, Z
Akar, S
Albicocco, P
Albrecht, J
Alessio, F
Alexander, M
Albero, A
Alkhazov, G
Cartelle, PA
Amato, S
Amerio, S
Amhis, Y
An, L
Anderlini, L
Andreassi, G
Andreotti, M
Andrews, JE
Archilli, F
D'Argent, P
Romeu, JA
Artamonov, A
Artuso, M
Arzymatov, K
Aslanides, E
Atzeni, M
Audurier, B
Bachmann, S
Back, JJ
Baker, S
Balagura, V
Baldini, W
Baranov, A
Barlow, RJ
Barrand, GC
Barsuk, S
Barter, W
Bartolini, M
Baryshnikov, F
Batozskaya, V
Batsukh, B
Battig, A
Battista, V
Bay, A
Beddow, J
Bedeschi, F
Bediaga, I
Beiter, A
Bel, LJ
Belin, S
Beliy, N
Bellee, V
Belloli, N
Belous, K
Belyaev, I
Ben-Haim, E
Bencivenni, G
Benson, S
Beranek, S
Berezhnoy, A
Bernet, R
Berninghoff, D
Bertholet, E
Bertolin, A
Betancourt, C
Betti, F
Bettler, MO
Van Beuzekom, M
Bezshyiko, I
Bhasin, S
Bhom, J
Bifani, S
Billoir, P
Birnkraut, A
Bizzeti, A
Bjorn, M
Blago, MP
Blake, T
Blanc, F
Blusk, S
Bobulska, D
Bocci, V
Garcia, O
Boettcher, T
Bondar, A
Bondar, N
Borghi, S
Borisyak, M
Borsato, M
Bossu, F
Boubdir, M
Bowcock, TJV
Bozzi, C
Braun, S
Brodski, M
Brodzicka, J
Gonzalo, AB
Brundu, D
Buchanan, E
Buonaura, A
Burr, C
Bursche, A
Buytaert, J
Byczynski, W
Cadeddu, S
Cai, H
Calabrese, R
Calladine, R
Calvi, M
Gomez, M
Camboni, A
Campana, P
Perez, DHC
Capriotti, L
Carbone, A
Carboni, G
Cardinale, R
Cardini, A
Carniti, P
Carson, L
Akiba, K
Casse, G
Cassina, L
Cattaneo, M
Cavallero, G
Cenci, R
Chamont, D
Chapman, MG
Charles, M
Charpentier, P
Chatzikonstantinidis, G
Chefdeville, M
Chekalina, V
Chen, C
Chen, S
Chitic, S-G
Chobanova, V
Chrzaszcz, M
Chubykin, A
Ciambrone, P
Vidal, X
Ciezarek, G
Cindolo, F
Clarke, PEL
Clemencic, M
Cliff, HV
Closier, J
Coco, V
Coelho, JAB
Cogan, J
Cogneras, E
Cojocariu, L
Collins, P
Colombo, T
Comerma-Montells, A
Contu, A
Coombs, G
Coquereau, S
Corti, G
Corvo, M
Sobral, CMC
Couturier, B
Cowan, GA
Craik, DC
Crocombe, A
Torres, M
Currie, R
D'Ambrosio, C
Da Cunha Marinho, F
Da Silva, CL
Dall'Occo, E
Dalseno, J
Danilina, A
Davis, A
Francisco, ODA
De Bruyn, K
De Capua, S
De Cian, M
De Miranda, JM
De Paula, L
De Serio, M
De Simone, P
Dean, CT
Decamp, D
Del Buono, L
Delaney, B
Dembinski, H-P
Demmer, M
Dendek, A
Derkach, D
Deschamps, O
Desse, F
Dettori, F
Di Canto, A
Di Nezza, P
Didenko, S
Dijkstra, H
Dordei, F
Dorigo, M
Suarez, A
Douglas, L
Dovbnya, A
Dreimanis, K
Dufour, L
Dujany, G
Durante, P
Durham, JM
Dutta, D
Dzhelyadin, R
Dziewiecki, M
Dziurda, A
Dzyuba, A
Easo, S
Egede, U
Egorychev, V
Eidelman, S
Eisenhardt, S
Eitschberger, U
Ekelhof, R
Eklund, L
Ely, S
Ene, A
Escher, S
Esen, S
Evans, T
Falabella, A
Farley, N
Farry, S
Fazzini, D
Federici, L
Declara, PF
Prieto, A
Ferrari, F
Lopes, LF
Rodrigues, F
Ferro-Luzzi, M
Filippov, S
Fini, RA
Fiorini, M
Firlej, M
Fitzpatrick, C
Fiutowski, T
Fleuret, F
Fontana, M
Fontanelli, F
Forty, R
Lima, VF
Frank, M
Frei, C
Fu, J
Funk, W
Faerber, C
Feo, M
Gabriel, E
Torreira, A
Galli, D
Gallorini, S
Gambetta, S
Gan, Y
Gandelman, M
Gandini, P
Gao, Y
Martin, LM
Plana, B
Pardinas, JG
Tico, JG
Garrido, L
Gascon, D
Gaspar, C
Gavardi, L
Gazzoni, G
Gerick, D
Gersabeck, E
Gersabeck, M
Gershon, T
Gerstel, D
Ghez, P
Gibson, V
Girard, OG
Gironell, P
Giubega, L
Gizdov, K
Gligorov, VV
Golubkov, D
Golutvin, A
Gomes, A
Gorelov, IV
Gotti, C
Govorkova, E
Grabowski, JP
Diaz, R
Cardoso, LAG
Grauges, E
Graverini, E
Graziani, G
Grecu, A
Greim, R
Griffith, P
Grillo, L
Gruber, L
Cazon, BRG
Gruenberg, O
Gu, C
Gushchin, E
Guth, A
Guz, Y
Gys, T
Goebel, C
Hadavizadeh, T
Hadjivasiliou, C
Haefeli, G
Haen, C
Haines, SC
Hamilton, B
Han, X
Hancock, TH
Hansmann-Menzemer, S
Harnew, N
Harnew, ST
Harrison, T
Hasse, C
Hatch, M
He, J
Hecker, M
Heinicke, K
Heister, A
Hennessy, K
Henry, L
Van Herwijnen, E
Heuel, J
Hess, M
Hicheur, A
Charman, RH
Hill, D
Hilton, M
Hopchev, PH
Hu, J
Hu, W
Huang, W
Huard, ZC
Hulsbergen, W
Humair, T
Hushchyn, M
Hutchcroft, D
Hynds, D
Ibis, P
Idzik, M
Ilten, P
Inglessi, A
Inyakin, A
Ivshin, K
Jacobsson, R
Jalocha, J
Jans, E
Jashal, BK
Jawahery, A
Jiang, F
John, M
Johnson, D
Jones, CR
Joram, C
Jost, B
Jurik, N
Kandybei, S
Karacson, M
Kariuki, JM
Karodia, S
Kazeev, N
Kecke, M
Keizer, F
Kelsey, M
Kenzie, M
Ketel, T
Khairullin, E
Khanji, B
Khurewathanakul, C
Kim, KE
Kirn, T
Klaver, S
Klimaszewski, K
Klimkovich, T
Koliiev, S
Kolpin, M
Kopecna, R
Koppenburg, P
Kostiuk, I
Kotriakhova, S
Kozeiha, M
Kravchuk, L
Kreps, M
Kress, F
Krokovny, P
Krupa, W
Krzemien, W
Kucewicz, W
Kucharczyk, M
Kudryavtsev, V
Kuonen, AK
Kvaratskheliya, T
Lacarrere, D
Lafferty, G
Lai, A
Lancierini, D
Lanfranchi, G
Langenbruch, C
Latham, T
Lazzeroni, C
Le Gac, R
Leflat, A
Lefrancois, J
Lefevre, R
Lemaitre, F
Leroy, O
Lesiak, T
Leverington, B
Li, P-R
Li, Y
Li, Z
Liang, X
Likhomanenko, T
Lindner, R
Lionetto, F
Lisovskyi, V
Liu, G
Liu, X
Loh, D
Loi, A
Longstaff, I
Lopes, JH
Lovell, GH
Lucchesi, D
Martinez, M
Lupato, A
Luppi, E
Lupton, O
Lusiani, A
Lyu, X
Machefert, F
Maciuc, F
Macko, V
Mackowiak, P
Maddrell-Mander, S
Maev, O
Maguire, K
Maisuzenko, D
Majewski, MW
Malde, S
Malecki, B
Malinin, A
Maltsev, T
Manca, G
Mancinelli, G
Marangotto, D
Maratas, J
Marchand, JF
Marconi, U
Benito, CM
Marinangeli, M
Marino, P
Marks, J
Marshall, PJ
Martellotti, G
Martin, M
Martinelli, M
Santos, D
Vidal, F
Massafferri, A
Materok, M
Matev, R
Mathad, A
Mathe, Z
Matteuzzi, C
Mauri, A
Maurice, E
Maurin, B
Mazurov, A
McCann, M
McNab, A
McNulty, R
Mead, JV
Meadows, B
Meaux, C
Meinert, N
Melnychuk, D
Merk, M
Merli, A
Michielin, E
Milanes, DA
Millard, E
Minard, M-N
Minzoni, L
Mitzel, DS
Mogini, A
Moise, RD
Mombaecher, T
Monroy, IA
Monteil, S
Morandin, M
Morello, G
Morello, MJ
Morgunova, O
Moron, J
Morris, AB
Mountain, R
Muheim, F
Mukherjee, M
Mulder, M
Murphy, CH
Murray, D
Moedden, A
Mueller, D
Mueller, J
Mueller, K
Mueller, V
Naik, P
Nakada, T
Nandakumar, R
Nandi, A
Nanut, T
Nasteva, I
Needham, M
Neri, N
Neubert, S
Neufeld, N
Neuner, M
Newcombe, R
Nguyen, TD
Nguyen-Mau, C
Nieswand, S
Niet, R
Nikitin, N
Nogay, A
Nolte, NS
O'Hanlon, DP
Oblakowska-Mucha, A
Obraztsov, V
Ogilvy, S
Oldeman, R
Onderwater, CJG
Ossowska, A
Goicochea, JM
Ovsiannikova, T
Owen, P
Oyanguren, A
Pais, PR
Pajero, T
Palano, A
Palutan, M
Panshin, G
Papanestis, A
Pappagallo, M
Pappalardo, LL
Parker, W
Parkes, C
Passaleva, G
Pastore, A
Patel, M
Patrignani, C
Pearce, A
Pellegrino, A
Penso, G
Altarelli, MP
Perazzini, S
Pereima, D
Perret, P
Pescatore, L
Petridis, K
Petrolini, A
Petrov, A
Petrucci, S
Petruzzo, M
Pietrzyk, B
Pietrzyk, G
Pikies, M
Pili, M
Pinci, D
Pinzino, J
Pisani, F
Piucci, A
Placinta, V
Playfer, S
Plews, J
Casasus, M
Polci, F
Lener, MP
Poluektov, A
Polukhina, N
Polyakov, I
Polycarpo, E
Pomery, GJ
Ponce, S
Popov, A
Popov, D
Poslavskii, S
Price, E
Prisciandaro, J
Prouve, C
Pugatch, V
Navarro, AP
Pullen, H
Punzi, G
Qian, W
Qin, J
Quagliani, R
Quintana, B
Raab, NV
Rachwal, B
Rademacker, JH
Rama, M
Pernas, M
Rangel, MS
Ratnikov, F
Raven, G
Salzgeber, MR
Reboud, M
Redi, F
Reichert, S
Dos Reis, AC
Reiss, F
Alepuz, C
Ren, Z
Renaudin, V
Ricciardi, S
Richards, S
Rinnert, K
Robbe, P
Robert, A
Rodrigues, AB
Rodrigues, E
Lopez, JA
Roehrken, M
Roiser, S
Rollings, A
Romanovskiy, V
Vidal, A
Rotondo, M
Rudolph, MS
Ruf, T
Vidal, J
Silva, JJ
Sagidova, N
Saitta, B
Guimaraes, V
Gras, CS
Mayordomo, C
Sedes, B
Santacesaria, R
Rios, C
Santimaria, M
Santovetti, E
Sarpis, G
Sarti, A
Satriano, C
Satta, A
Saur, M
Savrina, D
Schael, S
Schellenberg, M
Schiller, M
Schindler, H
Schmelling, M
Schmelzer, T
Schmidt, B
Schneider, O
Schopper, A
Schreiner, HF
Schubiger, M
Schulte, S
Schune, MH
Schwemmer, R
Sciascia, B
Sciubba, A
Semennikov, A
Sepulveda, ES
Sergi, A
Serra, N
Serrano, J
Sestini, L
Seuthe, A
Seyfert, P
Shapkin, M
Shcheglov, Y
Shears, T
Shekhtman, L
Shevchenko, V
Shmanin, E
Siddi, BG
Coutinho, RS
De Oliveira, L
Simi, G
Simone, S
Skiba, I
Skidmore, N
Skwarnicki, T
Slater, MW
Smeaton, JG
Smith, E
Smith, IT
Smith, M
Soares, M
Lavra, L
Sokoloff, MD
Soler, FJP
De Paula, B
Spaan, B
Norella, ES
Spradlin, P
Stagni, F
Stahl, M
Stahl, S
Stefko, P
Stefkova, S
Steinkamp, O
Stemmle, S
Stenyakin, O
Stepanova, M
Stevens, H
Stocchi, A
Stone, S
Storaci, B
Stracka, S
Stramaglia, ME
Straticiuc, M
Straumann, U
Strokov, S
Sun, J
Sun, L
Sun, Y
Swientek, K
Szabelski, A
Szumlak, T
Szymanski, M
T'Jampens, S
Tang, Z
Tayduganov, A
Tekampe, T
Tellarini, G
Teubert, F
Thomas, E
Van Tilburg, J
Tilley, MJ
Tisserand, V
Tobin, M
Tolk, S
Tomassetti, L
Tonelli, D
Tou, DY
Aoude, R
Tournefier, E
Traill, M
Tran, MT
Trisovic, A
Tsaregorodtsev, A
Tuci, G
Tully, A
Tuning, N
Ukleja, A
Usachov, A
Ustyuzhanin, A
Uwer, U
Vagner, A
Vagnoni, V
Valassi, A
Valat, S
Valenti, G
Gomez, RV
Regueiro, P
Vecchi, S
Van Veghel, M
Velthuis, JJ
Veltri, M
Veneziano, G
Venkateswaran, A
Vernet, M
Veronesi, M
Vesterinen, M
Barbosa, JVV
Vieira, D
Diaz, M
Viemann, H
Vilasis-Cardona, X
Vitkovskiy, A
Vitti, M
Volkov, V
Vollhardt, A
Bruch, DV
Voneki, B
Vorobyev, A
Vorobyev, V
Voropaev, N
De Vries, JA
Sierra, CV
Waldi, R
Walsh, J
Wang, J
Wang, M
Wang, Y
Wang, Z
Ward, DR
Wark, HM
Watson, NK
Websdale, D
Weiden, A
Weisser, C
Whitehead, M
Wicht, J
Wilkinson, G
Wilkinson, M
Williams, I
Williams, MRJ
Williams, M
Williams, T
Wilson, FF
Winn, M
Wislicki, W
Witek, M
Wormser, G
Wotton, SA
Wyllie, K
Xiao, D
Xie, Y
Xu, A
Xu, M
Xu, Q
Xu, Z
Xu, Z
Yang, Z
Yang, Z
Yao, Y
Yeomans, LE
Yin, H
Yu, J
Yuan, X
Yushchenko, O
Zarebski, KA
Zavertyaev, M
Zhang, D
Zhang, L
Zhang, WC
Zhang, Y
Zhelezov, A
Zheng, Y
Zhu, X
Zhukov, V
Zonneveld, JB
Zucchelli, S
Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title_full Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title_fullStr Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title_full_unstemmed Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title_short Observation of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay Ξ c +  → pϕ
title_sort observation of the doubly cabibbo suppressed decay ξ c pϕ
work_keys_str_mv AT thelhcbcollaboration observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT aaijr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT betetaca observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT adevab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT adinolfim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT aidalaca observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ajaltouniz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT akars observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT albicoccop observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT albrechtj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT alessiof observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT alexanderm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT alberoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT alkhazovg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cartellepa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jraaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT amatos observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT amerios observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT amhisy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT anl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT anderlinil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT andreassig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT andreottim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT andrewsje observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT archillif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dargentp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT romeuja observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT artamonova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT artusom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT arzymatovk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT aslanidese observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT atzenim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT audurierb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bachmanns observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT backjj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bakers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT balagurav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT baldiniw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT baranova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT barlowrj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT barrandgc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT barsuks observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT barterw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bartolinim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT baryshnikovf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT batozskayav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT batsukhb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT battiga observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT battistav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT baya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT beddowj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bedeschif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bediagai observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT beitera observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bellj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT belins observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT beliyn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT belleev observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bellolin observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT belousk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT belyaevi observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT benhaime observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bencivennig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bensons observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT beraneks observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT berezhnoya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bernetr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT berninghoffd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bertholete observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bertolina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT betancourtc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bettif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bettlermo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vanbeuzekomm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bezshyikoi observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bhasins observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bhomj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bifanis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT billoirp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT birnkrauta observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bizzetia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bjornm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT blagomp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT blaket observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT blancf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT blusks observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bobulskad observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bocciv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT garciao observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT boettchert observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bondara observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bondarn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT borghis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT borisyakm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT borsatom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bossuf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT boubdirm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bowcocktjv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bozzic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT brauns observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT brodskim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT brodzickaj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gonzaloab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT brundud observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT buchanane observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT buonauraa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT burrc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT burschea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT buytaertj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT byczynskiw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cadeddus observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT caih observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT calabreser observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT calladiner observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT calvim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gomezm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cambonia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT campanap observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT perezdhc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT capriottil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT carbonea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT carbonig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cardinaler observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cardinia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT carnitip observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT carsonl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT akibak observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT casseg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cassinal observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cattaneom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cavallerog observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cencir observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chamontd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chapmanmg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT charlesm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT charpentierp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chatzikonstantinidisg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chefdevillem observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chekalinav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chenc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chens observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chiticsg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chobanovav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chrzaszczm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT chubykina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ciambronep observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vidalx observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ciezarekg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cindolof observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT clarkepel observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT clemencicm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cliffhv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT closierj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cocov observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT coelhojab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT coganj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cognerase observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cojocariul observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT collinsp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT colombot observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT comermamontellsa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT contua observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT coombsg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT coquereaus observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cortig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT corvom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sobralcmc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT couturierb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cowanga observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT craikdc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT crocombea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT torresm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT currier observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dambrosioc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dacunhamarinhof observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dasilvacl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dalloccoe observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dalsenoj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT danilinaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT davisa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT franciscooda observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT debruynk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT decapuas observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT decianm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT demirandajm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT depaulal observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT deseriom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT desimonep observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT deanct observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT decampd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT delbuonol observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT delaneyb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dembinskihp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT demmerm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dendeka observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT derkachd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT deschampso observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dessef observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dettorif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dicantoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dinezzap observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT didenkos observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dijkstrah observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dordeif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dorigom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT suareza observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT douglasl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dovbnyaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dreimanisk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dufourl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dujanyg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT durantep observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT durhamjm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT duttad observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dzhelyadinr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dziewieckim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dziurdaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dzyubaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT easos observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT egedeu observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT egorychevv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT eidelmans observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT eisenhardts observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT eitschbergeru observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ekelhofr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT eklundl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT elys observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT enea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT eschers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT esens observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT evanst observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT falabellaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT farleyn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT farrys observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fazzinid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT federicil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT declarapf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT prietoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ferrarif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lopeslf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rodriguesf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ferroluzzim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT filippovs observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT finira observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fiorinim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT firlejm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fitzpatrickc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fiutowskit observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fleuretf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fontanam observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fontanellif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fortyr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT limavf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT frankm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT freic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT fuj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT funkw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT faerberc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT feom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gabriele observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT torreiraa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gallid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gallorinis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gambettas observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gany observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gandelmanm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gandinip observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gaoy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT martinlm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT planab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pardinasjg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ticojg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT garridol observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gascond observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gasparc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gavardil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gazzonig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gerickd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gersabecke observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gersabeckm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gershont observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gersteld observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ghezp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gibsonv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT girardog observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gironellp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT giubegal observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gizdovk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gligorovvv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT golubkovd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT golutvina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gomesa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT goreloviv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gottic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT govorkovae observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT grabowskijp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT diazr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cardosolag observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT graugese observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT graverinie observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT grazianig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT grecua observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT greimr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT griffithp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT grillol observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gruberl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT cazonbrg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gruenbergo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT guc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gushchine observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gutha observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT guzy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gyst observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT goebelc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hadavizadeht observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hadjivasiliouc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT haefelig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT haenc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hainessc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hamiltonb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hanx observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hancockth observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hansmannmenzemers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT harnewn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT harnewst observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT harrisont observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hassec observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hatchm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hej observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT heckerm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT heinickek observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT heistera observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hennessyk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT henryl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vanherwijnene observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT heuelj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hessm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hicheura observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT charmanrh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hilld observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hiltonm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hopchevph observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT huj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT huw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT huangw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT huardzc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hulsbergenw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT humairt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hushchynm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hutchcroftd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT hyndsd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ibisp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT idzikm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT iltenp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT inglessia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT inyakina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ivshink observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jacobssonr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jalochaj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT janse observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jashalbk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jawaherya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jiangf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT johnm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT johnsond observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jonescr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT joramc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jostb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT jurikn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kandybeis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT karacsonm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kariukijm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT karodias observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kazeevn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT keckem observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT keizerf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kelseym observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kenziem observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ketelt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT khairulline observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT khanjib observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT khurewathanakulc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kimke observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kirnt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT klavers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT klimaszewskik observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT klimkovicht observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT koliievs observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kolpinm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kopecnar observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT koppenburgp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kostiuki observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kotriakhovas observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kozeiham observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kravchukl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT krepsm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kressf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT krokovnyp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT krupaw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT krzemienw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kucewiczw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kucharczykm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kudryavtsevv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kuonenak observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT kvaratskheliyat observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lacarrered observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT laffertyg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT laia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lancierinid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lanfranchig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT langenbruchc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lathamt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lazzeronic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT legacr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT leflata observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lefrancoisj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lefevrer observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lemaitref observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT leroyo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lesiakt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT leveringtonb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lipr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT liy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT liz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT liangx observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT likhomanenkot observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lindnerr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lionettof observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lisovskyiv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT liug observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT liux observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lohd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT loia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT longstaffi observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lopesjh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lovellgh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lucchesid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT martinezm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lupatoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT luppie observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT luptono observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lusiania observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lyux observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT machefertf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maciucf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mackov observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mackowiakp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maddrellmanders observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maevo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maguirek observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maisuzenkod observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT majewskimw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maldes observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maleckib observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT malinina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maltsevt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mancag observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mancinellig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marangottod observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maratasj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marchandjf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marconiu observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT benitocm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marinangelim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marinop observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marksj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT marshallpj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT martellottig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT martinm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT martinellim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT santosd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vidalf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT massafferria observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT materokm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT matevr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mathada observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mathez observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT matteuzzic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mauria observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mauricee observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT maurinb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mazurova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mccannm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mcnaba observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mcnultyr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT meadjv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT meadowsb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT meauxc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT meinertn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT melnychukd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT merkm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT merlia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT michieline observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT milanesda observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT millarde observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT minardmn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT minzonil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mitzelds observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT moginia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT moiserd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mombaechert observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT monroyia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT monteils observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT morandinm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT morellog observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT morellomj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT morgunovao observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT moronj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT morrisab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mountainr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT muheimf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mukherjeem observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mulderm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT murphych observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT murrayd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT moeddena observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT muellerd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT muellerj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT muellerk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT muellerv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT naikp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nakadat observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nandakumarr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nandia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nanutt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nastevai observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT needhamm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nerin observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT neuberts observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT neufeldn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT neunerm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT newcomber observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nguyentd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nguyenmauc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nieswands observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nietr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nikitinn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT nogaya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT noltens observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ohanlondp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT oblakowskamuchaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT obraztsovv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ogilvys observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT oldemanr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT onderwatercjg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ossowskaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT goicocheajm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ovsiannikovat observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT owenp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT oyangurena observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT paispr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pajerot observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT palanoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT palutanm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT panshing observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT papanestisa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pappagallom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pappalardoll observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT parkerw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT parkesc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT passalevag observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pastorea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT patelm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT patrignanic observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pearcea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pellegrinoa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pensog observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT altarellimp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT perazzinis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pereimad observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT perretp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pescatorel observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT petridisk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT petrolinia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT petrova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT petruccis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT petruzzom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pietrzykb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pietrzykg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pikiesm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pilim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pincid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pinzinoj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pisanif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT piuccia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT placintav observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT playfers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT plewsj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT casasusm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT polcif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lenermp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT poluektova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT polukhinan observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT polyakovi observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT polycarpoe observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pomerygj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ponces observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT popova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT popovd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT poslavskiis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pricee observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT prisciandaroj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT prouvec observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pugatchv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT navarroap observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pullenh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT punzig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT qianw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT qinj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT quaglianir observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT quintanab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT raabnv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rachwalb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rademackerjh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ramam observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT pernasm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rangelms observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ratnikovf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT raveng observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT salzgebermr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT reboudm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT redif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT reicherts observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT dosreisac observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT reissf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT alepuzc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT renz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT renaudinv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ricciardis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT richardss observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rinnertk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT robbep observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT roberta observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rodriguesab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rodriguese observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lopezja observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT roehrkenm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT roisers observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rollingsa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT romanovskiyv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vidala observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rotondom observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT rudolphms observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ruft observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vidalj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT silvajj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sagidovan observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT saittab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT guimaraesv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT grascs observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT mayordomoc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sedesb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT santacesariar observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT riosc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT santimariam observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT santovettie observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sarpisg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sartia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT satrianoc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sattaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT saurm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT savrinad observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schaels observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schellenbergm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schillerm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schindlerh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schmellingm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schmelzert observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schmidtb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schneidero observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schoppera observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schreinerhf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schubigerm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schultes observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schunemh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT schwemmerr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sciasciab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sciubbaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT semennikova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sepulvedaes observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sergia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT serran observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT serranoj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sestinil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT seuthea observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT seyfertp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shapkinm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shcheglovy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shearst observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shekhtmanl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shevchenkov observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT shmanine observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT siddibg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT coutinhors observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT deoliveiral observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT simig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT simones observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT skibai observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT skidmoren observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT skwarnickit observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT slatermw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT smeatonjg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT smithe observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT smithit observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT smithm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT soaresm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT lavral observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sokoloffmd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT solerfjp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT depaulab observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT spaanb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT norellaes observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT spradlinp observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stagnif observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stahlm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stahls observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stefkop observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stefkovas observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT steinkampo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stemmles observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stenyakino observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stepanovam observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stevensh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stocchia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stones observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT storacib observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT strackas observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT stramagliame observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT straticiucm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT straumannu observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT strokovs observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sunj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sunl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT suny observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT swientekk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT szabelskia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT szumlakt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT szymanskim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tjampenss observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tangz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tayduganova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tekampet observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tellarinig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT teubertf observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT thomase observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vantilburgj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tilleymj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tisserandv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tobinm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tolks observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tomassettil observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tonellid observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT toudy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT aouder observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tournefiere observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT traillm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tranmt observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT trisovica observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tsaregorodtseva observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tucig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tullya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT tuningn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT uklejaa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT usachova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT ustyuzhanina observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT uweru observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vagnera observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vagnoniv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT valassia observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT valats observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT valentig observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT gomezrv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT regueirop observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vecchis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vanveghelm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT velthuisjj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT veltrim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT venezianog observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT venkateswarana observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vernetm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT veronesim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vesterinenm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT barbosajvv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vieirad observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT diazm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT viemannh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vilasiscardonax observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vitkovskiya observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vittim observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT volkovv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vollhardta observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT bruchdv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vonekib observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vorobyeva observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT vorobyevv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT voropaevn observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT devriesja observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT sierracv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT waldir observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT walshj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wangj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wangm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wangy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wangz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT warddr observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT warkhm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT watsonnk observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT websdaled observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT weidena observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT weisserc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT whiteheadm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wichtj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wilkinsong observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wilkinsonm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT williamsi observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT williamsmrj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT williamsm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT williamst observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wilsonff observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT winnm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wislickiw observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT witekm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wormserg observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wottonsa observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT wylliek observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xiaod observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xiey observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xua observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xum observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xuq observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xuz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT xuz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yangz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yangz observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yaoy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yeomansle observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yinh observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yuj observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yuanx observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT yushchenkoo observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zarebskika observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zavertyaevm observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhangd observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhangl observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhangwc observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhangy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhelezova observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhengy observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhux observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zhukovv observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zonneveldjb observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph
AT zucchellis observationofthedoublycabibbosuppresseddecayxcpph