Measurement of the decay amplitudes of B0 → J/ψK*0 and Bs0 → J/ψφ decays

A full angular analysis of both the B0 and Bs0 decay modes was carried out. For this analysis, the B0 → J/ψK*0 and Bs0 → J/ψφ decays were reconstructed. The obtained data were analyzed in detail.

Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Affolder, T, Akimoto, H, Akopian, A, Albrow, MG, Amaral, P, Amendolia, SR, Amidei, D, Anikeev, K, Antos, J, Apollinari, G, Arisawa, T, Asakawa, T, Ashmanskas, W, Atac, M, Azfar, F, Azzi-Bacchetta, P, Bacchetta, N, Bailey, M, Bailey, S, de Barbaro, P, Barbaro-Galtieri, A, Barnes, V, Barnett, B, Barone, M, Bauer, G
Format: Journal article
Published: 2000

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