Summary: | <p style="text-align:justify;">Liar sentences say nothing, according to this chapter—which, it claims, we can, in effect, prove. But extending the proof as the chapter does appears to result in revenge. The solution to this problem is to restrict the laws of logic by distinguishing expressing a falsehood from failing to express a truth. But the question that presses is how we can signify that a given sentence—a liar sentence, for example—fails to express a truth without being mired in paradox. To this end, the chapter revisits the sort of bilateral system that Rumfitt (2000) has discussed. The chapter shows that there is a way of developing Aristotle’s conception of truth into a definition of truth that does not yield a contradiction, even when applied to a semantically closed language. If successful, the proposal will enable us to reject a Strengthened Liar as untrue without asserting its negation.</p>