总结: | Predicting the electricity consumption of proposed new supermarkets is helpful to design and plan future energy management. Instead of creating complex site-specific thermal engineering models, data-driven energy prediction models can be useful to energy managers. We have designed and implemented a data-driven method to predict the future ’electricity daily load profile’ (EDLP) of new supermarkets using historical EDLPs of existing supermarkets of the same type. The supermarket features used for the prediction are 10 types of floor areas divided by usage (m<sup>2</sup>) and its location. Four data-driven regression models are used and compared to predict EDLPs: Artificial Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, k-Nearest Neighbours and OLS. Prediction computational experiments were performed over 1-h electricity readings of 213 UK supermarkets gathered during six years. Prediction error mainly varies between 12 and 20% depending on method, year, supermarket type, and division of the data (season or temperature intervals). EDLPs computed over warm periods are better predicted than over cold periods and supermarkets only with electricity are better predicted than supermarkets with electricity and gas. The three features with more weight in the prediction are Food, Chilled produce and Cafeteria areas. The limitations of machine learning methods to solve this problem are discussed.