Summary: | In this paper we demonstrate a system SemFacet, that is a proof of concept prototype for our semantic faceted search approach. SemFacet is implemented on top of the Yago knowledge base, powered by the OWL 2 RL triple store RDFox, and the full text search engine Lucene. SemFacet has provided very encouraging results. Via logical reasoning SemFacet can automatically (i) extract facets, (ii) update the faceted query interface with facets relevant for the current stage of the users query construction's session. SemFacet supports faceted queries that are much more expressive than the ones of traditional faceted search applications; in particular SemFacet allows to (i) relate several collections of documents, and (ii) change the focus of queries (and, thus, SemFacet provides control over the documents in the query output to be displayed on the screen). Our approach is fully declarative: the same backend implementation can be used to power faceted search over any application, provided that metadata and knowledge are represented in RDF and OWL 2.