Summary: | <p>The <em>Anopheles stephensi</em> mosquito is an invasive malaria vector recently reported in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, and Ghana. The World Health Organization has called on countries in Africa to increase surveillance efforts to detect and report this vector and institute appropriate and effective control mechanisms. In Kenya, the Division of National Malaria Program conducted entomological surveillance in counties at risk for <em>An. stephensi</em> mosquito invasion. In addition, the Kenya Medical Research Institute conducted molecular surveillance of all sampled <em>Anopheles</em> mosquitoes from other studies to identify <em>An. stephensi</em> mosquitoes. We report the detection and confirmation of <em>An. stephensi</em> mosquitoes in Marsabit and Turkana Counties by using endpoint PCR and morphological and sequence identification. We demonstrate the urgent need for intensified entomological surveillance in all areas at risk for <em>An. stephensi</em> mosquito invasion, to clarify its occurrence and distribution and develop tailored approaches to prevent further spread.</p>