Summary: | Early 20th century subsurface collections from mine shafts in northeast Belgium and adjacent parts of the Netherlands and recent outcrop collections include ammonite assemblages of early Campanian of latest Maastrichtian age. In the present paper additional material of the pachydiscids Eupachydiscus levyi (De Grossouvre, 1894), Pachydiscus (P.) launayi De Grossouvre, 1894 and P. (P.) colligatus (Binkhorst, 1861) and the scaphitids Scaphites (S.) gibbus Schluter, 1872 and Trachyscaphites s. spiniger (Schluter, 1872) is described. Ammonites not recorded previously from the area include Hauericeras (Gardeniceras) cf. rembda (Forbes, 1846), Pachydiscus (P.) haldemsis (Schluter, 1867), Patagiosites sp., Neancyloceras? phaleratum (Griepenkerl, 1889), Trachybaculites columna (Morton, 1834) and Hoploscaphites sp. nov. The diplomoceratidM Glyptoxoceras rugatum (Forbes, 1846), well known fromthe upper Maastricht Formation and Kunradfe Limestone facies of that unit, is recorded from the Vijlen Member (Gulpen Formation, early Late Maastrichtian) for the first time.