From the analysis of a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.63 pb-1 taken during the 1990 run of LEP at centre of mass energies between 88.2 GeV an 94.2 GeV, the tau decays {Mathematical expression} and their charge conjugates have been studied. The following branching ratios h...

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Main Authors: Abreu, P, Adam, W, Adye, T, Agasi, E, Alekseev, G, Allen, P, Almehed, S, Alvsvaag, S, Amaldi, U, Anassontzis, E, Andreazza, A, Antilogus, P, Apel, W, Apsimon, R, Asman, B, Augustin, J, Augustinus, A, Baillon, P, Bambade, P, Barao, F, Barate, R, Barbiellini, G, Bardin, D, Baroncelli, A, Barring, O, Barrio, J, Bartl, W, Bates, M, Battaglia, M, Baubillier, M, Becks, K, Beeston, C, Begalli, M, Beilliere, P, Belokopytov, Y, Beltran, P, Benedic, D, Berggren, M, Bertrand, D, Bianchi, F, Bilenky, M, Billoir, P, Bjarne, J, Bloch, D, Blyth, S, Bocci, V, Bogolubov, P, Bolognese, T, Bonesini, M, Bonivento, W, Booth, P, Borgeaud, P, Borisov, G, Borner, H, Bosio, C, Bostjancic, B, Bosworth, S, Botner, O, Bouquet, B, Bourdarios, C, Bowcock, T, Bozzo, M, Braibant, S, Branchini, P, Brand, K, Brenner, R, Briand, H, Bricman, C, Brown, R, Brummer, N, Brunet, J, Bugge, L, Buran, T, Burmeister, H, Buytaert, J, Caccia, M, Calvi, M, Camacho, A, ROZAS, Camporesi, T, Canale, V, Cao, F, Carena, F, Carroll, L, Caso, C, Castelli, E, Gimenez, M, Cattai, A, Cavallo, F, Cerrito, L, Chabaud, V, Chan, A, Charpentier, P, Chaussard, L, Chauveau, J, Checchia, P, Chelkov, G, Chevalier, L, Chliapnikov, P, Chorowicz, V, Chrin, J, Cirio, R, Clara, M, Collins, P, Contreras, J, Contri, R, Cortina, E, Cosme, G, Couchot, F, Crawley, H, Crennell, D, Crosetti, G, Crozon, M, Maestro, J, Czellar, S, Dagoret, S, Dahljensen, E, Dalmagne, B, Dam, M, Damgaard, G, Darbo, G, Daubie, E, Daum, A, Dauncey, P, Davenport, M, David, P, Dasilva, W, Defoix, C, Delikaris, D, Dellariccia, B, Delorme, S, Delpierre, P, Demaria, N, Deangelis, A, Debeer, M, Deboeck, H, Deboer, W, Declercq, C, Laso, M, Degroot, N, Delavaissiere, C, Delotto, B, Demin, A, Dijkstra, H, Diciaccio, L, Djama, F, Dolbeau, J, Donszelmann, M, Doroba, K, Dracos, M, Drees, J, Dris, M, Dufour, Y, Eek, L, Eerola, P, Ehret, R, Ekelof, T, Ekspong, G, Peisert, A, Engel, J, Fassouliotis, D, Fearnley, T, Feindt, M, Fenyuk, A, Alonso, M, Ferrer, A, 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Matorras, F, Matteuzzi, C, Matthiae, G, Mazzucato, M, Mccubbin, M, Mckay, R, Mcnulty, R, Meola, G, Meroni, C, Meyer, W, Michelotto, M, Mikulec, I, Mitaroff, W, Mitselmakher, G, Mjoernmark, U, Moa, T, Moeller, R, Moenig, K, Monge, M, Morettini, P, Mueller, H, Murray, W, Muryn, B, Myatt, G, Naraghi, F, Navarria, F, Negri, P, Nielsen, B, Nijjhar, B, Nikolaenko, V, Nilsen, P, Niss, P, Obraztsov, V, Olshevski, A, Orava, R, Ostankov, A, Osterberg, K, Ouraou, A, Paganoni, M, Pain, R, Palka, H, Papadopoulou, T, Pape, L, Passeri, A, Pegoraro, M, Pennanen, J, Perevozchikov, V, Pernicka, M, Perrotta, A, Petrolini, A, Pettersen, T, Pierre, F, Pimenta, M, Pingo, O, Pol, M, Polok, G, Poropat, P, Privitera, P, Pullia, A, Radojicic, D, Ragazzi, S, Ratoff, P, Read, A, Redaelli, N, Regler, M, Reid, D, Renton, P, Resvanis, L, Richard, F, Richardson, M, Ridky, J, Rinaudo, G, Roditi, I, Romero, A, Roncagliolo, I, Ronchese, P, Ronnqvist, C, Rosenberg, E, Rossi, S, Rossi, U, Rosso, E, Roudeau, P, Rovelli, T, Ruckstuhl, W, Ruhlmann, V, Ruiz, A, Rybicki, K, Saarikko, H, Sacquin, Y, Sajot, G, Salt, J, Sanchez, J, Sannino, M, Schael, S, Schneider, H, Schyns, M, Sciolla, G, Scuri, F, Segar, A, Sekulin, R, Sessa, M, Sette, G, Seufert, R, Shellard, R, Siccama, I, Siegrist, P, Simonetti, S, Simonetti, F, Sisakian, A, Skaali, T, Skjevling, G, Smadja, G, Smith, G, Sosnowski, R, Spassoff, T, Spiriti, E, Squarcia, S, Staeck, H, Stanescu, C, Stapnes, S, Stavropoulos, G, Stichelbaut, F, Stocchi, A, Strauss, J, Straver, J, Strub, R, Szczekowski, M, Szeptycka, M, Szymanski, P, Tabarelli, T, Tavernier, S, Tchikilev, O, Theodosiou, G, Tilquin, A, Timmermans, J, Timofeev, V, Tkatchev, L, Todorov, T, Toet, D, Toker, O, Torassa, E, Tortora, L, Trainor, M, Treille, D, Trevisan, U, Trischuk, W, Tristram, G, Troncon, C, Tsirou, A, Tsyganov, E, Turala, M, Turluer, M, Tuuva, T, Tyapkin, I, Tyndel, M, Tzamarias, S, Ueberschaer, S, Ullaland, O, Uvarov, V, Valenti, G, Vallazza, E, Ferrer, J, Vandervelde, C, Vanapeldoorn, G, Vandam, P, Vandoninck, W, Varela, J, Vaz, P, Vegni, G, Ventura, L, Venus, W, Verbeure, F, Vertogradov, L, Vilanova, D, Vitale, L, Vlasov, E, Vodopyanov, A, Vollmer, M, Volponi, S, Voulgaris, G, Voutilainen, M, Vrba, V, Wahlen, H, Walck, C, Waldner, F, Wayne, M, Wehr, A, Weierstall, M, Weilhammer, P, Werner, J, Wetherell, A, Wickens, J, Wikne, J, Wilkinson, G, Williams, W, Winter, M, Wormald, D, Wormser, G, Woschnagg, K, Yamdagni, N, Yepes, P, Zaitsev, A, Zalewska, A, Zalewski, P, Zavrtanik, D, Zevgolatakos, E, Zhang, G, Zimin, N, Zito, M, Zuberi, R, Funchal, R, Zumerle, G, Zuniga, J
Format: Journal article
Published: 1992
Summary:From the analysis of a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.63 pb-1 taken during the 1990 run of LEP at centre of mass energies between 88.2 GeV an 94.2 GeV, the tau decays {Mathematical expression} and their charge conjugates have been studied. The following branching ratios have been measured; {Mathematical expression}, {Mathematical expression}, Br(τ- → π- (K-)vτ)=11.9±0.7±0.7%, BR (τ- → ρ- vτ)= 22.4±0.8±1.3%, in good agreement with world averages. The measured electronic and muonic branching ratios lead to a measurement of the strong coupling constant, αs (mτ) = 0.26-0.12+0.09. Extrapolating the αs value from mτ to mZ yields αs (mZ) = 0.109-0.028+0.012. The average polarization Pτ of taus produced in Z → τs τs decays has also been measured using the above decay modes. The weighted mean of the polarizations obtained from the four decay modes is Pτ=-0.24±0.07. This value of Pτ gives, in the improved Born approximation, a ratio between the axial and vector coupling constants of the tau of υτ/aτ = 0.12 ± 0.04, and hence a value of the effective electroweak mixing parameter sin2 θW(mZ2). © 1992 Springer-Verlag.