Study of the pion trajectory in the photoproduction of leading neutrons at HERA

Energetic neutrons produced in ep collisions at HERA have been studied with the ZEUS detector in the photoproduction regime at a mean photon-proton center-of-mass energy of 220 GeV. The neutrons carry a large fraction 0.64

Бібліографічні деталі
Автори: Chekanov, S, Derrick, M, Krakauer, D, Loizides, J, Magill, S, Miglioranzi, S, Musgrave, B, Repond, J, Yoshida, R, Mattingly, M, Antonioli, P, Bari, G, Basile, M, Bellagamba, L, Boscherini, D, Bruni, A, Bruni, G, Cara Romeo, G, Cifarelli, L, Cindolo, F, Contin, A, Corradi, M, De Pasquale, S, Giusti, P, Iacobucci, G
Формат: Journal article
Опубліковано: 2005