Sumari: | The most general AdS$_5 imes Y$ solutions of type IIB string theory that are AdS/CFT dual to superconformal field theories in four dimensions can be fruitfully described in the language of generalized geometry, a powerful hybrid of complex and symplectic geometry. We show that the cone over the compact five-manifold $Y$ is generalized Calabi-Yau and carries a generalized holomorphic Killing vector field $xi$, dual to the R-symmetry. Remarkably, this cone always admits a symplectic structure, which descends to a contact structure on $Y$, with $xi$ as Reeb vector field. Moreover, the contact volumes of $Y$, which can be computed by localization, encode essential properties of the dual CFT, such as the central charge and the conformal dimensions of BPS operators corresponding to wrapped D3-branes. We then define a notion of ``generalized Sasakian geometry'', which can be characterized by a simple differential system of three symplectic forms on a four-dimensional transverse space. The correct Reeb vector field for an AdS$_5$ solution within a given family of generalized Sasakian manifolds can be determined---without the need of the explicit metric---by a variational procedure. The relevant functional to minimize is the type IIB supergravity action restricted to the space of generalized Sasakian manifolds, which turns out to be just the contact volume. We conjecture that this contact volume is equal to the inverse of the trial central charge whose maximization determines the R-symmetry of the dual superconformal field theory. The power of this volume minimization is illustrated by the calculation of the contact volumes for a new infinite family of solutions, in perfect agreement with the results of $a$-maximization in the dual mass-deformed generalized conifold theories.