Understanding the role of non-fullerene acceptor crystallinity on the charge transport properties and performance of organic solar cells

The acceptor crystallinity has long been associated with favourable organic solar cells (OSCs) properties such as high mobility and Fill Factor. In particular, this applies to acceptor materials such as fullerene-derivatives and the most recent Non-Fullerene Acceptors (NFAs), which are now surpassin...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mondelli, P, Kaienburg, P, Silvestri, F, Scatena, R, Welton, C, Grandjean, M, Lemaur, V, Solano, E, Nyman, M, Horton, P, Coles, S, Barrena, E, Riede, M, Radelli, P, Beljonne, D, Manjunatha Reddy, GN, Morse, GE
Formato: Journal article
Publicado: Royal Society of Chemistry 2023