Sammanfattning: | <p>High aerobic glycolytic capacity is correlated with poor prognosis and increased tumour aggressiveness. 6Phosphofructo-1-kinase catalyses the first irreversible step of glycolysis, and is activated by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, a product of the kinase activity of four bifunctional isoenzymes, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase (PFK-2/FBPase-2:PFKFB1-4). These are potential anti-tumour targets, but their individual and collective role requires further investigation.</p> <p>This thesis had three aims; to validate the PFK-2/FBPase-2 isoenzymes as anti-cancer targets, to investigate the requirement for isoenzyme-specific targeting, and to initiate assay development, enabling future identification of novel inhibitors.</p> <p>A panel of cancer cell lines was examined and <em>PFKFB3</em> and <em>PFKFB4</em> were confirmed to be the most strongly induced isoenzymes in hypoxia, regulated by HIF-1α. Basal and hypoxic relative <em>PFKFB3/PFKFB4</em> expression varied markedly, and three cell lines with varying expression ratios (MCF-7, U87, PC3) were selected for further study.</p> <p>siRNA knockdown of each isoenzyme individually, markedly reduced 2D and 3D cell growth. The effect of PFKFB3 knockdown was consistently more pronounced, particularly in hypoxia. Double PFKFB3/PFKFB4 knockdown was significantly less effective than PFKFB3 knockdown alone. Direct antagonism of PFKFB3 and PFKFB4 on F-2,6-BP concentration was observed, with PFKFB3 exhibiting high kinase activity, as anticipated, and PFKFB4 exhibiting high bisphosphatase activity. The degree of antagonism was dependent on the relative <em>PFKFB3/PFKFB4</em> expression ratio.</p> <p>Extensive efforts were made to examine the wider metabolic effect of PFKFB3/PFKFB4 on flux towards glycolysis or the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), including using metabolite, lipid droplet, <sup>13</sup>C NMR and mass spectrometry assays. No significant change in metabolic flux was detected, the evidence presented therefore suggesting the impact of the antagonistic effects of the isoenzymes on [F-2,6-BP] extends beyond regulation of metabolic flux alone.</p> <p>This study concluded that the most effective therapeutic strategy will be one that involves a PFKFB3-specific inhibitor, preferably hypoxia-targeted. Accordingly, steps were taken to validate and optimise a robust medium-throughput assay system.</p>