Summary: | Parametric large eddy simulations (LES) of a supersonic lifted hydrogen flame are reported. The emphases are on two aspects: impacts of (1)
Lewis number (Lei of the ith species) and (2) turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers (Sct and Prt) on supersonic turbulent flame and flow
structures. Five cases are considered: species-specific Lei, Sct ¼ Prt ¼ 1:0 (C0); unity Lei, Sct ¼ Prt ¼ 1:0 (C1); species-specific Lei, Sct
¼ 0:5; Prt ¼ 1:0 (C2); species-specific Lei, Sct ¼ 1:0; Prt ¼ 0:5 (C3); and species-specific Lei, Sct ¼ Prt ¼ 0:5 (C4). Numerical results of
instantaneous and/or time-averaged species mole fractions, mixture fraction, heat release rate, flame base location, and mixed modes of premixed and diffusion combustion are compared between cases C0 and C1. Differences in auto-ignition locations and strengths and flame structures and stabilization specify the impacts of Lewis number. They are triggered by different predictions of species mass and thermal
diffusions at fuel-coflow and/or coflow-ambient air mixing layers. These differences are rationalized by a scale analysis of mass/thermal diffusion and convection for case C0, which suggests the relatively low but non-negligible former against the latter. Cases C0 and C2–C4 barely see
differences in terms of instantaneous and/or time-averaged temperature, velocity, and mixed combustion modes except for further downstream areas where combustion occurs. Both Sct and Prt impose less significant influences than Lewis number, as sub-grid scale mass/thermal
diffusion is subordinate to its resolved counterpart according to their scale analysis for case C4.