Summary: | Many useful therapeutic bio-effects can be generated using ultrasound-induced cavitation. However, cavitation is also capable of causing unwanted cellular and vascular damage, which should be monitored to ensure treatment safety. In this work, the unique opportunity provided by passive acoustic mapping (PAM) to quantify cavitation dose across an entire volume of interest during therapy is utilised to provide setup-independent measures of spatially localised cavitation dose. This spatiotemporally quantifiable cavitation dose is then related to the level of cellular damage generated. The cavitation-mediated destruction of equine red blood cells mixed with one of two types of cavitation nuclei at a variety of concentrations is investigated. The blood is placed within a 0.5-MHz ultrasound field and exposed to a range of peak rarefactional pressures up to 2 MPa, with 50 to 50,000 cycle pulses maintaining a 5% duty cycle. Two co-planar linear arrays at 90° to each other are used to generate 400-µm-resolution frequency domain robust capon beamforming PAM maps, which are then used to generate estimates of cavitation dose. A relationship between this cavitation dose and the levels of haemolysis generated was found which was comparable regardless of the applied acoustic pressure, pulse length, cavitation agent type or concentration used. PAM was then used to monitor cellular damage in multiple locations within a tissue phantom simultaneously, with the damage–cavitation dose relationship being similar for the two experimental models tested. These results lay the groundwork for this method to be applied to other measures of safety, allowing for improved ultrasound monitoring of cavitation-based therapies.