Summary: | <p>Supersymmetric Sp(k) quantum chromodynamics with 8 supercharges in spacetime dimensions 3 to 6 can be realised by two different Type II brane configurations in the presence of orientifolds. Consequently, two types of magnetic quivers describe the Higgs branch of the Sp(k) SQCD theory. This is a salient example of a general phenomenon: a given hyper-Kähler Higgs branch may admit several magnetic quiver constructions. It is then natural to wonder if these different magnetic quivers, which are described by 3d N = 4 theories, are dual theories. In this work, the unitary and orthosymplectic magnetic quiver theories are subjected to a variety of tests, providing evidence that they are IR dual to each other. For this, sphere partition function and supersymmetric indices are compared. Also, we study half BPS line defects and find interesting regularities from the viewpoints of exact results, brane configurations, and 1-form symmetry.</p>