Gaia: | <p>Higher-order constrained Horn clauses (HoCHC) are a fragment of higher-order logic modulo theories recently introduced by Cathcart Burn et al. (2018). This thesis explores the adequacy of HoCHC as a unifying framework for the algorithmic verification of higher-order programs, through links with existing approaches to program verification as well as a sound and refutationally complete solution method for HoCHC. </p>
<p>We establish a continuous interpretation for HoCHC in which the semantic domains are restricted to Scott-continuous functions. We show that the continuous HoCHC decision problem is equivalent to the original problem. This continuous interpretation serves as a foundation for a sound and refutation-complete resolution proof system - based on SLD-resolution - for solving unsatisfiable instances of the HoCHC problem over a semi-decidable background theory.</p>
<p>To address the relation between HoCHC and higher-order model checking, we introduce a coinductive version of HoCHC that is characterised by a greatest fixpoint construction. We define an encoding of higher-order recursion schemes into a HoCHC logic program, which can be used to reduce the open higher-order recursion scheme equivalence problem - and thus the lambdaY-calculus Böhm tree equivalence problem - to semi-decidability of coinductive HoCHC over Maher's complete and decidable background theory of trees (Maher, 1988; Djelloul et al., 2008).</p>
<p>Finally, we develop an axiomatic basis for relations as higher-order program invariants in the form of a Hoare logic. Our approach to Hoare logic for higher-order programs distinguishes itself from the literature through the combination of a higher-order assertion logic and a relatively complete proof system.</p>