Sažetak: | The phylogeny of the ammonite subfamily Stoliczkaiinae is reviewed, and the following genera/subgenera recognized: Neophlycticeras (Neophlycticeras) Spath, 1922 (of which Faraudiella Breistroffer, 1947, and Eotropitoides Casey, 1965 are synonyms); N. (Paradolphia) Casey, 1965; Protissotia Collignon, 1932; Stoliczkaia (Stoliczkaia) Neumayr, 1875 (of which Villoutreysia Casey, 1965 is a synonym); Stoliczkaia (Shumarinaia) Matsumoto and Inoma, 1975; S. (Lamnayella) Wright and Kennedy, 1978; Cenisella Delamette and Latil, 1989; Zuluscaphites Hoepen, 1955 (of which Huescarites Latil, 1990 is a synonym); Paracalycoceras Spath, 1925 (of which Cottreauites Collignon, 1929 is a synonym); Budaiceras Böse, 1928; Ojinagiceras Cobban and Kennedy, 1989, and, perhaps, Metascaphites Wiedmann, 1962. Upper Albian Stoliczkaia dispar Zone species from England are revised, and the following described: Neophlycticeras (N.) sexangulatum (Seeley, 1865), N. (N.) blancheti (Pictet and Campiche, 1859), Stoliczkaia (S.) notha (Seeley, 1865), S. (S.) dispar (Orbigny, 1841), S. (S.) clavigera Neumayr, 1875, S. (Lamnayella) cf. crotaloides (Stoliczka, 1864), and S. (Shumarinaia) africana Pervinquière, 1907. © 1994 Academic Press. All rights reserved.