Summary: | In the context of holography, we analyse aspects of supersymmetric geometries
based on two-dimensional orbifolds known as spindles. By analysing spinc
on a spindle with an azimuthal rotation symmetry we show that under rather
general conditions there are just two possibilities, called the ‘twist’ and the ‘antitwist’, which are determined by the quantized magnetic flux through the spindle.
A special case of the twist is the standard topological twist which is associated
with constant and chiral spinors. We construct solutions of D = 5 and D = 4
STU gauged supergravity theories that are dual to D3-branes and M2-branes
wrapping spindles, respectively, which realize both the anti-twist, as seen before,
but also the twist. For the wrapped D3-brane solutions we reproduce the central
charge of the gravity solution from the dual field theory by analysing the anomaly
polynomial of N = 4 SYM theory. We also discuss M5-branes wrapped on
spindles both from a gravity and a field theory point of view.