Тойм: | What is reachability in higher-order functional programs? We formulate reachability as a decision problem in the setting of the prototypical functional language PCF and show that even in the recursion-free fragment generated from a finite base type, several versions of the reachability problem are undecidable from order 4 onwards, and several other versions are reducible to each other. We characterise a version of the reachability problem in terms of a new class of tree automata introduced by Stirling at FoSSaCS 2009 called Alternating Dependency Tree Automata (ADTA). As a corollary, we prove that the ADTA non-emptiness problem is undecidable, thus resolving an open problem raised by Stirling. However, by restricting to contexts constructible from a finite set of variable names, we show that the corresponding solution set of a given instance of the reachability problem is regular. Hence the relativised reachability problem is decidable. © 2009 IEEE.