Summary: | <br/>Theodore Besterman, Additions and corrections to the definitive edition of <em>Voltaire's correspondence</em>. IV: vols. i-xxxiv (Voltaire 85-118) <br/> David Williams, Voltaire on the sentimental novel <br/> Nancy Senior, The Structure of <em>Zadig</em> <br/> Patrick Henry, A Different view of Voltaire's controversial <em>Tout en dieu</em> <br/> Samuel S. B. Taylor, The Duke and duchess of Grafton with Voltaire: notes on unrecorded silhouettes by Jean Huber <em>with a plate</em> <br/> Samuel S. B. Taylor, Voltaire's marginalia: a preview of the forthcoming edition, <em>with four plates</em> <br/> English Showalter, Jr, Sensibility at Cirey: Mme Du Châtelet, Mme de Graffigny, and the <em>Voltairomanie</em> <br/> Jeroom Vercruysse, Lettre de Henri Rieu sur les derniers jours de Voltaire <br/> Ruth P. Thomas, <em>Les Bijoux indiscrets</em> as a laboratory for Diderot's later novels <br/> John Renwick, Encore des précisions nouvelles sur les débuts de Beaumarchais