Summary: | This portfolio comprises three pieces of work, each separated by a coloured sheet, for ease of reference and bound together with its own endnotes and appendices. The first, beginning on page 1 is entitled “Assessing Potential: The Development Of Procedures that Fairly Identify the Strongest Candidates for the Oxford Medical Course”. It is intended that this piece should address the second assessment criterion of the Diploma, namely that “the candidates has engaged in critical evaluation of selected concepts of higher education practice”, which, in this case is the concept of Assessment. Inevitably, this section provides some evidence relating to criterion 1 but also, addresses part of criterion 3, that “the candidate has applied his or her knowledge of the research and scholarship of learning and teaching in … student assessment”. The second piece, beginning on page 46 is entitled “The Essence of Learning: PBL and the rediscovery of the mission of higher education”. It is intended to address criterion 1, that “the candidates has acquired a sound understanding of the core literatures on learning and teaching in higher education”. I have interpreted the concept of the core literatures flexibly: moving well beyond the supplied literature, to which I refer quite briefly, to a range of sources, both ancient and modern that deal with issues in higher education from a theoretical and analytical perspective. The third piece, beginning on page 68 is entitled “A Virology course: Five lectures and two practicals introducing medical virology.” This is intended to address the substantive component of criterion 3, that “the candidate has applied his or her knowledge of the research and scholarship of learning and teaching in the design and planning of teaching, the delivery of teaching …” The fourth criterion that “the candidate has developed the capacity to appraise and develop his or her own professional practice” is intended to emerge by implication from the portfolio overall.