Summary: | Trimetallic nitride template fullerenes have been deposited onto a variety of substrates in order to elucidate the substrate-fullerene interactions. We have investigated self-assembled island formation and molecular detail of Er3N@C80 and Sc3N@C80 on Ag/Si(1 1 1), Au(1 1 1)/mica, Si(1 1 1), and Si(0 0 1) using variable temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). At room temperature, the fullerenes self-assemble into monolayer-high hexagonal close-packed islands on Ag-passivated Si(1 1 1) whereas annealing at elevated temperatures (250-300 °C) is necessary for the self-assembly of close-packed islands on Au(1 1 1). Intra-molecular resolution of the fullerenes has been achieved at liquid nitrogen temperature on Ag/Si(1 1 1) and already at room temperature on Si(0 0 1), when the rotation of the fullerenes is frozen. Whereas the bonding between the fullerenes and Si surfaces is mainly covalent, it appears to be mainly van-der-Waals on the other surfaces. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.