Summary: | Electron beam welding is an autogenous welding process that leads to microstructural heterogeneities; crystallographic texture, elongated and larger grain size relative to the surrounding parent material. The goal of this study is to predict the changes in mechanical response of the weld fusion zone as a function of grain morphology and texture by using the parent material properties to avoid extensive and costly experimental campaigns. For this reason, a crystal plasticity solver, “University of <strong>BRI</strong>stol cry<strong>S</strong>tal plas<strong>T</strong>icity s<strong>OL</strong>ver” (<strong>BRISTOL</strong>), is implemented in a finite element framework with new constitutive laws to account for the length-scale dependence considering the size and shape of the grains. It is found that the crystallographic texture governs the orientation specific elastic stiffness and yield stress having the most dominant effect on the macroscopic response of the weldment at the grain size scales considered. Crucially the length-scale dependent model allows accurate prediction of the yield strength of the weldment over a range of microstructures, also highlighting the presence of other factors such as prior strain hardening during the welding process and residual stresses.