The NuMI neutrino beam

This paper describes the hardware and operations of the Neutrinos at the Main Injector (NuMI) beam at Fermilab. It elaborates on the design considerations for the beam as a whole and for individual elements. The most important design details of individual components are described. Beam monitoring sy...


Main Authors: Adamson, P, Anderson, K, Andrews, M, Andrews, R, Anghel, I, Augustine, D, Aurisano, A, Avvakumov, S, Ayres, D, Baller, B, Barish, B, Barr, G, Barrett, W, Bernstein, R, Biggs, J, Bishai, M, Blake, A, Bocean, V, Bock, G, Boehnlein, D, Bogert, D, Bourkland, K, Cao, S, Castromonte, C, Childress, S, Choudhary, B, Coelho, J, Cobb, J, Corwin, L, Crane, D, Cravens, J, Cronin-Hennessy, D, Ducar, R, Jong, J, Devan, A, Devenish, N, Diwan, M, Erwin, A, Escobar, C, Evans, J, Falk, E, Feldman, G, Fields, T, Ford, R, Frohne, M, Gallagher, H, Garkusha, V, Gomes, R, Goodman, M, Gouffon, P, Graf, N, Gran, R, Grossman, N, Grzelak, K, Habig, A, Hahn, SR, Harding, D, Harris, D, Harris, P, Hartnell, J, Hatcher, R, Hays, S, Heller, K, Holin, A, Huang, J, Hylen, J, Ibrahim, A, Indurthy, D, Irwin, G, Isvan, Z, Jaffe, D, James, C, Jensen, D, Johnstone, J, Kafka, T, Kasahara, S, Koizumi, G, Kopp, S, Kordosky, M, Kreymer, A, Lang, K, Laughton, C, Lefeuvre, G, Ling, J, Litchfield, P, Loiacono, L, Lucas, P, Mann, W, Marchionni, A, Marshak, M, Mayer, N, McGivern, C, Medeiros, M, Mehdiyev, R, Meier, JR, Messier, MD, Michael, D, Milburn, R, Miller, J, Miller, W, Mishra, SR, Sher, S, Moore, C, Morfin, J, Mualem, L, Mufson, S, Murgia, S, Murtagh, M, Musser, J, Naples, D, Nelson, J, Newman, H, Nichol, R, Nowak, J, Connor, J, Oliver, W, Olsen, M, Orchanian, M, Osprey, S, Pahlka, R, Paley, J, Para, A, Patterson, R, Patzak, T, Pavlovic, Z, Pawloski, G, Perch, A, Peterson, E, Petyt, D, Pfutzner, M, Phan-Budd, S, Plunkett, R, Poonthottathil, N, Prieto, P, Pushka, D, Qiu, X, Radovic, A, Rameika, R, Ratchford, J, Rebel, B, Reilly, R, Rosenfeld, C, Rubin, H, Ruddick, K, Sanchez, M, Saoulidou, N, Sauer, L, Schneps, J, Schoo, D, Schreckenberger, A, Schreiner, P, Shanahan, P, Sharma, R, Smart, W, Smith, C, Sousa, A, Stefanik, A, Tagg, N, Talaga, R, Tassotto, G, Thomas, J, Thompson, J, Thomson, M, Tian, X, Timmons, A, Tinsley, D, Tognini, S, Toner, R, Torretta, D, Trostin, I, Tzanakos, G, Urheim, J, Vahle, P, Vaziri, K, Villegas, E, Viren, B, Vogel, G, Webber, R, Weber, A, Webb, R, Wehmann, A, White, C, Whitehead, L, Wojcicki, S, Wong-Squires, M, Yang, T, Yumiceva, F, Zarucheisky, V, Zwaska, R
格式: Journal article
出版: Elsevier 2015