Summary: | These data were gathered during the Books, Minds, and Bodies research project in 2015-16. The project was designed to investigate the therapeutic potential of shared reading, and involved running 2 reading groups over 2 consecutive terms and recording participants' discussions of the texts being read aloud together. These recordings were subsequently transcribed and used for analysis of emotional variance and linguistic similarity.
Consistent with the ethical approval granted for the study, word order in the transcripts has been randomized so as to preclude any personal data being disclosed. This was done by tokenizing the text of each transcript into grammatical and lexical units (i.e. punctuation signs and words). These were shuffled using the "Random" module in the Python programming language, which provides a range of mathematical operations for collections of discrete objects. Nevertheless, grouping variables were preserved at the level of group (MT and HT terms) and session ID. As the calculation of values for emotional variance (on the dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance) does not require syntax to be preserved, randomizing the data in this way should not affect the future calculation of word norm values.
The dataset also includes text/discussion similarity calculations, qualitative coding results, and participants' post-participation feedback data.
NB: this dataset replaces 'Books, Minds, and Bodies: raw transcript text plus VAD values' at