Summary: | Basal and stimulated secretion of N-terminal pro-opiocortin (Pro-gamma-MSH), ACTH and LPH from seven pituitary and three ectopic ACTH secreting tumours have been studied in vitro using a perfused isolated cell system. The peptides were shown to be released concomitantly and in equimolar amounts. The pituitary tumours responded to stimulation with rat stalk median eminence extracts (SME) and synthetic AVP. However, peptide release from the ectopic tumours, although pulsatile, remained autonomous. Prior to surgery, gel-chromatographic profiles of plasma immunoreactive ACTH showed only one peak, which eluted in the position of 1-39 ACTH, in patients with the pituitary tumours, but there was a second peak of large molecular weight ACTH present in the plasma from those with the ectopic ACTH syndrome. This second form of ACTH could not be detected in any of the tumour cell column effluents. An eighth pituitary tumour was atypical, in its unusually large size, clinically aggressive nature and spectrum of peptide release. Although peptide release in response to stimulation with SME was similar to that observed with the other pituitary tumours, the chromatography of the plasma ACTH resembled the ectopic plasma pattern, showing two peaks of immunoreactivity.