Bodleian Library quarto catalogues I: Greek manuscripts

<p>Coxe's Catalogue of the Greek manuscripts in the Bodleian Library was issued in a small number of copies, and deserves wider circulation. In making this reprint we have added the corrections which have been accumulated. The task of collating and editing them has been undertaken by Mis...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Coxe, HO
Format: Book
Language:Greek, Modern (1453- )
Published: Bodleian Library 1969
Summary:<p>Coxe's Catalogue of the Greek manuscripts in the Bodleian Library was issued in a small number of copies, and deserves wider circulation. In making this reprint we have added the corrections which have been accumulated. The task of collating and editing them has been undertaken by Miss Ruth Barbour and Mr. Nigel Wilson. The latter has kindly written them in. The opportunity has also been taken to add Coxe's descriptions of the Greek manuscripts in the Canonici collections taken from vol. III of the Quarto Catalogues. They were already included in the index of the present volume. It has not been possible to include the catalogues of the D'Orville and E. D. Clarke collections, which are also indexed here, owing to the different format of the catalogues, but the reader is referred to the now easily accessible descriptions in <em>Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library</em>, vol. IV, pp. 37-150,297-311.</p> <p>The accessions of Greek manuscripts between 1843 and 1915 were not numerous, and descriptions of them will be found in the <em>Summary Catalogue</em>, vols. V and VI. The only considerable collection acquired since is that from Holkham Hall in 1954. Summary descriptions of these manuscripts were printed by Miss Barbour in <em>Bodleian Library Record</eM VI (1960), 591-613.</p> <p>Coxe did not include a small number of Greek manuscripts in the collection bequeathed by Sir Henry Savile to the Professor of Astronomy's library, since they were not part of the Bodleian collections until 1884. They are described in <em>Summary Catalogue</em>, vol. 11.2, pp. 1094-1102,1113f.</p> <p>The authors of the Quarto Catalogues were not allowed to write prefaces, but Coxe did manage to insert into the original list of contents the statement that he had found the collections of Gerard Langbaine of great use in drawing up the catalogue. There was no similar way of acknowledging the help and encouragement of Thomas Gaisford, Regius Professor of Greek and Dean of Christ Church, but Sir Edmund Craster in his <em>History of the Bodleian Library 1845-1945</em>, Oxford, 1952, pp. 92-4 has filled this gap. Coxe also said nothing about the history of the collections which he described, but F. Madan in the <em>Summary Catalogue</em> gives this information, as well as the names of the donors of individual volumes in Coxe's series of <em>codices miscellanei</em>.</p> <p>The number in square brackets which usually precedes the shelfmark corresponds to the running number in the <em>Summary Catalogue</em>.</p> <p>The reader's attention is drawn to three illustrated booklets which deal with the Bodleian Greek manuscripts:</p> <p><ul><li>O. Pächt, <em>Byzantine illumination</em> (Bodleian Picture Book 8, 1952).</li> <li>N. G. Wilson and D. I. Stefanović, <em>Manuscripts of Byzantine chant in Oxford</em>, 1963.</li> <li><em>Greek manuscripts in the Bodleian Library: an exhibition held in connection with the XIlIth International Congress of Byzantine Studies</em>, 1966.</li></ul></p>