Sammanfattning: | <p>After publication of the original article the authors noted that the following errors had occurred:</p> <br/> <p>In the Methods section, it should state that neutrophils were derived from the interphase of 70% and 75% Percoll. In the original article it incorrectly stated 75% and 85% respectively. The corrected sentence should read: The cell layer formed at the 70% to 75% interface was collected and washed as before.</p> <br/> <p>The additional files had been linked incorrectly and the legends did not correspond with the correct documents for Additional files 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. All the Additional files from the original manuscript have been included with this Correction with the correct files and legends.</p> <br/> <p>The original article has also been updated</p>