KiDS+2dFLenS+GAMA: testing the cosmological model with the E-G statistic

We present a new measurement of EG, which combines measurements of weak gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, and redshift-space distortions. This statistic was proposed as a consistency test of General Relativity (GR) that is insensitive to linear, deterministic galaxy bias, and the matter clus...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Amon, A, Blake, C, Heymans, C, Leonard, C, Asgari, M, Bilicki, M, Choi, A, Erben, T, Glazebrook, K, Harnois-Deraps, J, Hildebrandt, H, Hoekstra, H, Joachimi, B, Joudaki, S, Kuijken, K, Lidman, C, Loveday, J, Parkinson, D, Valentijn, E, Wolf, C
Formato: Journal article
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2018