Summary: | Subthalamic local field potential recordings from awake patients with Parkinson’s disease while leads were externalised. In 30 hemispheres, this data was recorded ON and OFF dopaminergic medication and in 26 hemispheres before and during 130 Hz deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus.
DBS data:
This file contains data from 26 hemispheres. The sampling rates of the respective files can be found in MATRIX_DBS.fs. MATRIX_DBS.signal_base contains subthalamic local field potential data at rest. MATRIX_DBS.signal_dbs contains subthalamic local field potential data during 130 Hz deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus as described in the corresponding article.
Medication data:
This dataset was recorded for 30 hemispheres ON and OFF levodopa. Each file has more information on how the data is arranged: SmrData.WvTits. Channel titles denote EEGs (e.g. Fz, Cz, F3), bipolar LFP channels (e.g. Le02, R02, L13) or accelerometer data (e.g. AcX, AcY).