Summary: | We consider compactifications of massive IIA supergravity on a six-sphere. This setup
is known to give rise to non-supersymmetric AdS4 vacua preserving SO(7) as well as
G2 residual symmetry. Both solutions have a round S
6 metric and are supported
by the Romans’ mass and internal F6 flux. While the SO(7) invariant vacuum is
known to be perturbatively unstable, the G2 invariant one has been found to have a
fully stable Kaluza-Klein spectrum. Moreover, it has been shown to be protected
against brane-jet instabilities. Motivated by these results, we study possible bubbling
solutions connected to the G2 vacuum, representing non-perturbative instabilities of
the latter. We indeed find an instability channel represented by the nucleation of a
bubble of nothing dressed up with a homogeneous D2 brane charge distribution in
the internal space. Our solution generalizes to the case where S
is replaced by any
six-dimensional nearly-Kähler manifold.