Search for short- and long-lived axion-like particles in H → a a → 4 γ decays with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC

Presented is the search for anomalous Higgs boson decays into two axion-like particles (ALPs) using the full Run 2 data set of 140fb-1 of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment. The ALPs are assumed to decay into two photons, providing sensitivi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aad, G, Abbott, B, Abeling, K, Abicht, NJ, Abidi, SH, Aboulhorma, A, Abramowicz, H, Abreu, H, Abulaiti, Y, Acharya, BS, Bourdarios, CA, Adamczyk, L, Addepalli, SV, Addison, MJ, Adelman, J, Adiguzel, A, Adye, T, Affolder, AA, Afik, Y, Agaras, MN, Agarwala, J, Aggarwal, A, Agheorghiesei, C, Ahmad, A, Barr, AJ, Bortoletto, D, Bruckler, TL, Celli, F, Chen, M, Conroy, EI, Cooper-Sarkar, AM, Draguet, MA, Eberwein, GH, Frost, JA, Gallas, EJ, Grundy, JC, Gwenlan, C, Harris, YT, Hays, CP, Huffman, TB, Iizawa, T, Karava, K, Koch, SF, Li, Z, Merlassino, C, Nagai, K, Nedic, L, Nickerson, RB, Pacey, HA, Rossi, E, Ruggiero, A, Schopf, E, Shipsey, IPJ, Smith, HA, Veliscek, I, Viehhauser, GHA, Wei, Y, Weidberg, AR, Yan, S
Formato: Journal article
Publicado: SpringerOpen 2024