Summary: | In order to further understand and support approaches for the degradation and destruction of toxic chemicals, the thermal decomposition of the nerve agent VX through possible pericyclic hydrogen transfer reactions is investigated using simulant molecules. A total of four simulant molecules are studied. Three of them have only one possible H-transfer site, while the other has two. They are chosen to bring physical insights into individual steps of the pericyclic reaction mechanism as well as the possible existence of competing mechanisms. The unimolecular reaction rate constants at the high-pressure limit are calculated. Geometries of stationary structures on the potential energy surfaces are calculated with the MP2 method as well as the B3LYP and M06-2X functionals and 6-311++G(d,p), jul-cc-pVTZ, and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. The barrier heights are corrected using energy values obtained at the CBS/QB3 level of theory. The contribution of the quantum tunneling effect to the reaction rate constants is included using one-dimensional semiclassical transition state theory. Adiabatic barrier heights, reaction rate constants, and branching ratio of the competing mechanisms are reported.