Summary: | All praises to the Allah Almighty the most merciful and the most benevolent for giving
me an opportunity and show me the right way. Syukur, Alhamdulillah my highest gratitude to
Allah S.W.T. for providing me strength to complete this research paper.
I am sincerely to thank the entire people surround me who had helped me in order for me
to complete this research paper. To the entire lecturer in the UiTM Segamat, Johor especially my
supervisor, Madam Siti Salwa binti Hassan, who had guided me and teach me in preparing this
report. Her comment on my research paper had assisted me to improve the content in this
research paper. I could not repay her ideas and comment in conducting this research paper.
Besides, I also want to give a warmest thankful to my second examiner Encik Syamsul Samsudin
who also had given an assistance for preparing this research paper.
Not to forget, all my friends who had been together through thick and thin in order to
prepare this research paper. I will not forget the kindness and the sharing of information with
each other to complete this research paper. Then, I want to express my appreciation to my family
members who had given support to me to complete this research paper.
Thank you