Summary: | Technology Park Malaysia (TPM), was established in 1988. It was given the status of a company under the Companies Act, and had for its objectives the commercialization of local Research and Development output and the development of indigenous technology. Other technopoles are the Johor Technology Park, the Technovation Park and the Kulim High Technology Park. All of these are property based developments that seek to attract high-technology firms by providing advanced infrastructure, a pool of technology specialists, Rand D facilities, business management expertise and venture capital within the confines of a single compound. Technology parks in Malaysia promote interaction between academia and industry, encourage the development of knowledge-based industries and stimulate job creation. As companies, these parks are also supposed to earn profits, providing a return on investment for their sponsors. They focus on programmes designed to stimulate innovation and sustain the development of novel products based on Rand
D conducted in local institutions and the commercialization of those products. Technology Park Malaysia also has to provide their tenant with good services to ensure it can be a leader in incubator operator in Malaysia. This is crucial to the company to achieve the customer satisfaction and maintain the customer loyalty.
TPM, which currently comprises 12 buildings, is located on 3.25 square kilometers of land in the MSC zone. It provides ultra-modern infrastructure and services to facilitate private sector Rand D as well as innovation, particularly in knowledge-based industries. This includes a LAN infrastructure, a dedicated Internet connection and tele-conferencing facilities. Facilities such as a business centre, an auditorium, conference and meeting rooms, an exhibition area, a multimedia centre and a "smart" learning centre are also available for tenants' use. TPM participates in the commercialization of research results and facilitates technology development partnerships between government and private sector firms. It also provides counseling and support in marketing and management for start-ups. TPM's tenants, of which there are currently more than 140, focus on the following technological fields:
(a) Information technology;
(b) Advanced materials;
(c) Biotechnology and biomedical and pharmaceutical technologies;
(d) Aerospace, defence and remote sensing;
(e) Environmental and pollution control technologies;
(f) Technologies for the agro-food industry;
(g) Manufacturing and robotics technologies;
This research done to find out at what actually TPM's tenants feel about services and facilities providing for them.