Gaia: | The purpose of this research study is to investigate the relationship
between level of occupational stress toward employee job performance at
KPJ Rawang Specialist Hospital. There are several factor will be discussed
under this research study which consist of Workload, Poor Working Condition,
Role Ambiguity and Inadequate Monetary Reward. There are few study had
been conducted by previous researchers will be the references to hypothesis
development in this research project.
The sample size of 80 respondents had been conducted and simple
random sampling method been used to distributed the questionnaires to the
selected respondents. The sample size is selected from all support services
at KPJ Rawang Specialist Hospital which consist of Administration, Talent
Management, Information Technology, Finance, Credit control, Billing and
Admission, Marketing and Public Relation, Purchasing and Maintenance
Department. This research also aimed to identify the frequency and
descriptive of data collected, the relationship between variables, reliability
analysis and hypothesis testing among the variables using Statistical Package
Social Science (SPSS) Software.
The result between these factor has positive significant relationship
with employee job performance at the organization. The final chapter of this
research study will elaborately explain the conclusion of research finding and
suggested recommendation to future research have been done.