Summary: | The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of sport drink
consumption on muscle endurance performance among football athletes. A total of
20 football athletes (N=20) was selected via purposive sampling to participate in this
study. In this study, push up until fatigue protocol were been used for pre-test and
post-test (Magrini, Colquhoun, Dawes, & Smith, 2016). In this study, athletes were
consuming sport drinks and placebo drink. This study using cross sectional design
and quasi experimental for pre-test and post-test. Paired Sample T-test was employed
to compare means and standard deviation between two variables which is sport drink
and placebo drinks. The analysis showed there were significant different on sport
drinks and placebo drinks on muscle endurance performance among football athletes,
which is sport drink t (9) = -7.749, P <.05 and placebo drinks t (9) =- 9.327, P <.05.
At the conclusion, sport drinks and placebo have effects on muscle endurance
performance among football athletes in their respective responses