Summary: | Background: Digit ratio has been related to prenatal testosterone and fetal
testosterone that has been shown to affect the areas in the brain that critical for
memory and learning. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between digit ratio and learning style towards academic performance. A
total of 44 final year degree's students age from 22 to 25 years old were recruited to
complete this study. The subjects are divided into two, low and the high digit ratio
group. The Independent t-test used to measure the digit ratio and academic
performance. The result from the study showed there were no significant differences
in digit ratio and academic performance as the p>0.50. Next, from the result of One way
ANOVA to investigate the relationship between learning style and academic
performance showed that there is no significant difference between group and within
the group on CGPA as the p>0.05 (p=0.87). The last analysis, which is Fisher Exact
to determine the digit ratio and learning style also showed that there is no association
between digit and learning style (p>1.00). As a conclusion, the result indicated that
there is no significant relationship of the digit ratio and academic performance. Even
though there is slightly showed that the low digit ratio has better achievement in their
academic performance, still it's not enough to prove that low digit ratio as a main
cause of a better academic performance.