Özet: | Tennis most popular originated from a handball type of game played by the ancient
Greeks and Roman. In the 16th century that rackets came into use and the game began to be
called "tennis". It was popular In England. France and Henry VII Of England was a big fan
of the game, now referred to as real tennis. Benefits of participating in tennis are lower
body fat percentages, enhanced aerobic fitness and improve risk of cardiovascular. Tennis
is a sport where it characterized by the point length, shot selection, strategy, match
duration, weather and opponent. Thus, it could drive to the different level of tennis
perfromance. Furthermore, the objective of the study is to make comparison of flexibility,
muscular endurance and speed among veteran male between clubs. The total subject
around 30, and 15 subject each group. First club was Majlis Penbandaran Kota Bharu
(MPKB) and second club that have been compare was Kelantan Golf Country Club
(KGCC). The three parameter physical test that have been measured to veteran player were
Chair Sit and Reach (flexibility), Maximum Push Up (muscular endurance) and 10 meter
speed (speed). The statiscally analysis that have been used was Independent t-test