Summary: | Solanum lycopersicum are well-known around the world for its economical and
medicinal values. In this research, rice water media is used to replace the usual
usage of MS media in in vitro germination of Solanum lycopersicum. The
objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of rice water media in the
germination of seed culture of Solanum lycopersicum, to identify the presence of
callus in Solanum lycopersicum during morphogenesis and to study the effect of
NAA and BAP hormone on Solanum lycopersicum morphology during
regeneration process. Five media treatments were used in this study which are
Treatment A as control that contain 100% rice water media Treatment B contain
70% MS media with 30% rice water, Treatment C contain 50% of MS media and
rice water, Treatment D contain 70% 'of rice water and 30% of MS media and
Treatment E contain 100% of rice water media. For Hormone media treatments, 5
treatments are being used in which each treatment contain different concentration
of NAA and BAP. The findings from this study showed that rice water media
showed the same effect as the MS media on the tissue culture of Solanum
lycopersicum where the germination day and frequency of germination is the
highest than the others. As a conclusion, in the future, rice water media could
replace the usage of MS media in the tissue culture of Solanum lycopersicum
because the use of rice water is more cost-eefective. However, more research and
study should be done on the rice water to find out the effect of rice water to the
other species of plants.