Тойм: | Scientific data related to the factors that affected consumers comes and visit the fish market is very limited. Therefore, the preferences of consumers towards Fishermen's Market were evaluated by used 100 consumers as a sample to responded questionnaire. The questionnaires that fulfill by respondents has five part, there are; information demographic, quality of fish, quality of services, fish price, accessibility and strategy marketing. After the process of collection data is complete, and then the data entered into the SPSS (Special Package for Special Science) V.21.0 system to analyzed and obtain the results. The method used to analyze data is using descriptive frequency and mean. The result of the analysis found that, the factors influence consumers choose the Fishermen's Market was due to the freshness of fish and the price were very reasonable and cheap. Respondents also gave good feedback on the quality of service provided by the seller. However, the study found that the location is not suitable and strategic. Thus, majority of respondents believe that marketing strategy is very important to persuade people to come and visit the Fishermen's Market. As consequences, the number of consumers will be arising. It is hope that the study can contribute to the improvement of Fishermen's Market in PNK Papar.